Things you never said until you had chickens.......

get your butt out of the bucket, its for everyone too you know.
whenever I get the food bucket everyone wants to go for a ride.
Him: Why is there a chicken in the cat's PetTaxi?
Me: The big rooster was attacking him a bit too much. I'll put him in the coop when it's dark.


Him: Hey honey, should the light still be on in the coop?
Me: Daggummit. Dang stupid cheap timer.


Me: Hey, you know what? I think I know why the timer's acting up. I caught a hen pecking at it today!
Him: Isn't the socket like 3 feet off the ground? How did she reach it?
Me: She was jumping for she does when I feed them treats.
Him: You taught the chickens to JUMP?
Me and one of my hens are always fighting! (but I love her very much)
Me: Minerva keep your beak to yourself!

Share the treats minerva!

Get off the water heater Minerva!

Nobody is bothering you so just sit there and go to sleep minerva please..

And then there are these conversations:
Who is the best little chicky ever?
naaw that's so cute minerva!

naw you are such a good cuddly girl aren't you minerva!

Her full name is Minerva Louise from the book
With the economy the way it is, I cannot afford another pet. But I can always afford more chickens! They give me eggs to eat, and if they aren't laying, they give me meat!
"Hey cat, when are you going to start earning your keep around here and lay us an egg?"
followed by threats of making him into cat bacon..
"Bye sweeties! I'll be back home soon! Don't get into any trouble while i'm gone! I love you all very much sweeties!"

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