Things you never said until you had chickens.......

What color or form do you look for, to make sure they are heathy or unheathy?


Someone here posted a link to a website showing all of the different "normal" types of chicken manure. I was absolutely amazed at the range of healthy looking poop.

I like to see well formed little piles of dark green with some white, but I know that there are many more ways that it can look that are just fine. I just don't want to see worms or lots of super watery poops or blood.
Me: "MOM!!! Get your camera my Chickens pooped out their first two eggs

Mom said while laughing: Honey they dont poop out eggs they lay eggs.

( this was said yesterday and my two Black Sex Links FINALLY are starting to lay eggs)
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Um. This morning I scolded the 13yo for dumping the plate of sweet potato peelings I'd meant to give to the chickens this morning when he did dishes after dinner last night.

I spend YEARS trying to get kids to scrape plates instead of leaving them for the next kid's turn. He actually does it and I scold him for it.
3KillerBs, ain't that the truth!

my granddaughter always wants to take her snack outside to eat, then she spends the next half hour going up and down the front steps with her snack held high overhead to keep the chickens from sharing... if the grown kids want their leftovers, they better wrap 'em up or into the bucket they go!
" That's a rooster not a hen!' I felt like I always have to scold my roosters this spring when we had our young roosters out.

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