Things you never said until you had chickens.......

"NO ONE move off the roost...."


I just said this tonight after chasing chickens out of trees and into the coop. Most of my Hamburgs want to roost in the trees and I have to persuade them to go in to the coop at night to be safe.
"Sophie, where did your sister's beard go?!" we arrived home from vacation to find our beautiful EE w/ NO facial plumage
My parents gave us a set of 15 solar lights that you stick in the ground up the driveway. Of course I said "THANKYOU! THEY ARE GOING TO LOOK SO COOL AROUND THE CHICKEN COOP. AND WE ARE PUTTING IN A POND FOR THE GEESE AND THEY WILL LOOK SO LOVELY AROUND THE POND!". I just couldn't resist
as a Celiac who keeps a gluten free household... I turned several heads when I unpacked a box of Cheerios from the grocery bag.

"What?" I asked...

"you bought Cheerios?" someone pointed out...

"of course... what else would I use for garlands for the chickens?" I replied.

"can I have some?" ... "I mean, when you're finished making strings..."

"sure, if there are any left..." I said...

I was really surprised that after stringing 48 feet of length, there was actually a few small bowls worth left! my family thinks it's weird that I have only ever eaten a single Cheerio in my life. especially since I wasn't diagnosed until I was in my 20's... I ate ONE, thought it tasted like paste and never ate another.
don't jump on the heater!
don't get on the stove!
don't even think about it!
you deliberately did that, didn't you?(all of this was said to one chicken not even in a hour.)

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