Things you never said until you had chickens.......

"If you Poop I swear Thelma and Louise! i will not be a happy camper, and you do NOT Want to see me mad!!" If the would have pooped though do you think I would have done something about it ? no. LOL.

this is why I say that:

Hard to tell here, but they are sitting on the open door of the other girl's coop... Those Easter Eggers I tell you.. they like to get up, and get up High! LOL.

Oh, and then today I was going on to one of the ladies (also a chicken keeper luckily) at church about how Louise (the blue EE in the above picture) squatted for me last night!! Boy was I excited. Hoping mom sends me a pic of a nice blue egg soon!!
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I come inside from locking up and my husband takes one look at me and says "What happened to you?"

Well... the drake (Toot) is feeling a bit "exuberant" with spring arriving and with only one lady duck, he thought he'd try his luck with the silkie mix (Greycie). Greycie was having none of that and went to fly up on the run door while I was in the midst of closing said door. She ended up on my head and Toot was still having his Barry Manilow attempts. It ended with my hair a mess and one pant leg covered in mud.
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"I gotta get a chicken my hands are cold"
instead of gloves.
"gha, it pooped again!"
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I once had a young cockerel manage to poop in my back pocket while sitting on my shoulder. I had no idea it had happened until I reached into my pocket later to get my money out, and *squish*

"HOW in heaven's name did you manage to poop IN my pocket?"

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