Things you never said until you had chickens.......

"You have a frostbitten comb again, don't you."

Neighbors must think I'm crazy. I was talking to a friend the other day about frostbitten combs and she asked how metal/plastic can get frostbite. Apparently she's not a chicken person.
I fed my chickens grapes yesterday and my one RIR Mocha came over and there wasn't any left and she hadn't gotten any cause her sisters were hogs so this is my conversation with my mom.
Me: Mom can you come here?
Mom: What?
Me: Can I have another grape? Mocha didn't get one.
Mom: *sigh* Oh my goodness, here.
I yell "Chickens" out the back door when I want them to come for a snack..

"Kramer, get out of the neighbor's mud puddle, you have mud puddles in our yard to drink from"

"Amelia's throwing a fit again because I took her egg."

"Can Bobo come and cuddle on the couch?"

"I think Helen is a boy.."
"I think Helen is a boy.."

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