Things you never said until you had chickens.......

i have a 2 yr. old cochin bantam chicken named Honey.she has her own room in my house. she loves to come out of her room in the morning and sit on my husband while he is laying on couch watching the t.v. bless his heart it is just normal activity in our home these days. So funny,he says to me "Honey is on my foot again"! he adores her too. she loves the way the fuzzy blanket feels on her feet i think.
(my boyfriend) "That hen's sitting on eggs for me. Because she loooves me."
(me) "She cheated on you, you know. She was with another guy."

"I just want to go home and play with my chickens."

"Do you want to take some celery to your chickens?"
"No, but thank you. They snub it for some reason."

"I'll be back. I need to take my chickens a blankie so they don't get cold. I'm worried about them being in the snow."

(my grandma) "I saved some treats for your chickens! Would you like to take them some?"
"Don't turn the light on in there, you will wake up our poor chicken."

(You know if you have birds you will eventually have a little chicken infirmary/hospital set up somewhere inside at some point.)
To be fair, I never used the terms cockerel or pullet before getting into chickens. Now when I talk to most people, I still have to say 'rooster' or 'hen', otherwise I get these glazed, confused looks. And here are a few more:

"Sweetie, don't stand in the water dish."

"You trying to eat my mole?"

"I love my fuzzbutts."

"I'll be out in the garden babysitting the girls."

"That's right! I am alpha!" (addressing my roo when he has an attitude)

"Who wants some grass? Yum yum!"

"Hey look, a bug! Do you want it?"

"Give me a minute. I need to clean out my babies' box, first. It's getting stinky."

"She makes the tastiest eggs. They're pink!"

"Pretty girl. You're getting such big feet!"
"I can't wait until she grows up, I want to see what color she ends up!"

I've done that one, too.
Me to my secretary after she handed me an envelope this morning....

"Chicken Nipples!...Been wanting some of these for a while!"

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