Things you never said until you had chickens.......

I love this thread!!! I have one, this is to my two year old son yesterday...I say "No, honey...please dont bring fluffy butt in right now...I dont want to clean up poo" my son answers "no, fluffy butt poop...I have towel!" and me "OK...fine, as long as you keep his butt on the towel"
I've given my husband the same kind of messages! Only maybe more like "and you do realize we are out of scratch right". He insists on feeding all outside animals.
A call to my daughter "Sis!! The baby chicks are in at Orshlen's! Want to go with me?" my daughters response "HECK YES!!! I'm leaving now. Meet ya there!!!!"
I am an enabler as well!
My husband and daughter will sit on the couch every night with a gosling with it's butt wrapped in a paper towel
My daughter will sit in the tub with the baby ducks or goslings. The first time I saw this I asked what she was doing she said "mom they are scared if I'm not with them"
Getting ready for a poultry show, "Don't wash the birds with the lemon grass soap, they'll think you're basting them!"

To a new car dealer, "I need something I can fit 2 bales of straw, 300 lbs of feed and my husband into."

While answering the phone, "Hold on, let me put this duck down so I can take a message."

To my feedstore clerk, "Hi Aaron, just the usual."

"No, we haven't turned on the TV in a while, We have 27 chicks in a brooder in the living room, we watch them instead."

"Oh no, you forgot to check for eggs before throwing your wet coat inthe dryer!"

"The ducks have the cat cornered again!"

"The turkeys are loose in the basement!"

And I carry on conversations with Molly, my talkative BA, all the time. She walks next to me, chattering away with "Bok bok bok. Bok. Bokbok.". I reply with an interrogative "Berk?" and she replies as if I've said something (correctly) in chicken.

I am SO glad I'm not the only one who "Berk"s to their chickies!!! My parents walked over today to watch them as performed their nightly ritual of cleaning, singing, and then playing follow the leader into the coop. I was bok, bok, bwaking to them as I was making repairs on the pen and I overheard my mother saying "I wish I could record this. I cannot believe she is talking chicken to them and they are answering her."

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