Things you never said until you had chickens.......

I startled my hubby yesterday by walking in the house and stating: "Stan has butt lice."

I startled him again when he followed me to the pet department of walmart and asked what was I looking for.

"Shampoo for Stan's butt lice."

I heart a snicker from the next isle. Ain't no telling what that person thought.

OMG....that was so funny, I started crying while I was laughing!!!
blauk...blauk...buuuulaaak! blauk, blauk, blaaaaauk, blauk!
human interpretation..."Thank you mommy! They were soooo itchy!"
I'm quite fluent in chicken hehehe
Honey can you quick run and get the worms so they I can get them out of the lanai, they are attacking the cat and pooping everywhere!

It's like a minefield out there!

Don't leave the door open, Lucy just came in the house again and the rest are right behind her.

Don't throw those grapes away, I'm going to cut them up for the girls.

Who pooped on my chair?

Reese has lost the flock again, hear her peeping? Better go find her....

Lucy, no, I don't have any more worms. Now get back in the coop and go to SLEEP !
And don't knock Zoey off the roost !
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Also today we had this convo

Me: Hunny the silver fish and water bugs are back in the bathroom
Hubby: I will call the bug guy
Me: Naw lets see if the chickens will eat them
Hubby: Ok but your cleaning up the poop

Later in the day I had forgot about them

Kid: MOM the chickens in my lap
Me: Well get it off
Kid: But I'm on the toilet
Me: Shoo her off shes not going to kill you
Me: Well the toilet paper is right there.

LOL That was funny.

Edited to try to correct for the funky spacing. It looks correct in editor mode but all the returns are gone when submitted.
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