Things you never said until you had chickens.......

when referring to my future chicks: "Guess who got laid today?"

Something I definitely never said to a stranger before I got into chickens -

"Nice cock!"
flapping hilarous!!

We've had
"You sir are a chicken! Chickens sleep IN the chicken coop. You know that cute little house in the pasture? That would be your house. The beautiful girls that live there? They are your friends even if they dont think so. Now get out there and be the rooster i know you can be"
(little pep talk to my Cogburn, hes new to the flock and a little unsure of himself)

"No Peepers cannot go to swim lessons"

"Can you hold her while i spray her butt"

last but not least

"Here Chicka Chicka Chicka"
I am probably the only person i know who has birds that come when i call. They listen better than the dog. But then again I dont personally know anyone else with chickens. I am a Lone Chicka.
flapping hilarous!!

We've had
"You sir are a chicken! Chickens sleep IN the chicken coop. You know that cute little house in the pasture? That would be your house. The beautiful girls that live there? They are your friends even if they dont think so. Now get out there and be the rooster i know you can be"
(little pep talk to my Cogburn, hes new to the flock and a little unsure of himself)
If you're naming him Rooster Cogburn, he's got one heck of a manly image to live up to!
He'd better get busy and grow a pair. (of spurs!)
Can't think of anything funny at the moment... except.... this afternoon I went out to check for eggs, and asked my chickens "Chochkins! did you lay me my eggs yet??" and some guy working on the school behind the house yelled "WHAT?" from across the way!! It took me a while to get him to understand I was talking to my chickens!
'look at those gorgeous fluffy butts'
'no i can't... I've got to check my peckers'
'you're not fat darling, you're just fluffy'
'come here my monster pecker, let me give you a kiss'

a friend of mine text me to say she had split up with her partner and was feeling really depressed and needed to get away i said, 'you can come round and play with my girls if you like' lol

when people exclaim, 'OMG you don't have a TV!' and i reply 'i don't need one i have chicken TV'

when my disabled chicken who quacks like a duck makes a cluck that sounds like 'birrrd' in a really deep voice and i start singing, 'b,b,b,bird bird bird, bird is the word, i said everybody knows that the bird is the word!'

- i think this is why they call me the mad chicken lady

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