Things you never said until you had chickens.......

Said by my husband to me today..........................'you're pregnant you arent allowed to handle poop!'
my reply...................'i wasnt planning on playing with it!'
Taking my friends two year old daughter out to the coop to collect some eggs.

Zoe finds an egg in the nesting box and picks it up. She is happy at this point, she turns around bends down and in her monster voice (something new she has learned to do). She says " I got u egg". She turned around and headed for the house. Finding that egg made her day.
Taking my friends two year old daughter out to the coop to collect some eggs.

Zoe finds an egg in the nesting box and picks it up. She is happy at this point, she turns around bends down and in her monster voice (something new she has learned to do). She says " I got u egg". She turned around and headed for the house. Finding that egg made her day.
You have conquered the first step in Addicted to Chickens Anonymous! Don't worry...we will teach you to say "No". And by that, I mean, "No, I'm not leaving without that chicken!!!"
I'm an honorary member of this club!!!! hehe If I could get my list of WANTED chicken to below 40 I would be happy
but I simply NEED sultans, polish, and faverolles as they are so cool and I dont have ANY and then I really really need some coronation and silver lavender Sussex as they are my fav breed and I do not have these new and amazingly beautiful colors
.....and THEN I really need some more dark brown layers...I am planning on selling eggs after all so they ARE needed.... Barnevelders anyone!?!
....and then I say kinda sheepishly...and there is a 5 per breed min, BUT the blue laced Wyandottes have a max number of 5 so I could just get 2-3 of them, they are so very pretty and I dont have a single blue laced chicken.....

AND you have successfully completed Chicken Math!!!

How is my chicken math
"I've gotta find out what color ear lobes she's has"
"I swear that one's a rooster"
"You're an ameracauna!! what are you doing laying white eggs?" (to the chicken, of course)
"Who's butt do you think is cuter?"
"That's a freckle!!"
"What if you named your chicken...Nugget?"

And the infamous: "For crying out loud - it's just chicken poop!"

love this post!!
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Or, how could I forget..
after a chicken stares weirdly at nothing for a while: "THAT ONE JUST STARED JUST LIKE DERP OHMYGOD"....if you read about derperella you'll understand :)

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