Things you never said until you had chickens.......

*me* Its hot in here. Lets turn on the AC.
*friend* We don't need AC, just use the fan.
*me* But... Sophia needs AC! She's panting!
*friend* You want to turn on the AC, for a chicken....??
*me* Yep.

At lunch time I tell my coworkers I am running's time for the girls to go to the inside laying station. (crates in laundry room while it's 110 degrees in the chicken coop)
"Keep the toilet closed. The chicken's feeling better."

-After one of our 6-wk pullets got badly injured and we turned the bathtub into a hospital for a week.

"Keep the poop. I can use that later."

-I also garden.
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I startled my hubby yesterday by walking in the house and stating:  "Stan has butt lice."

I startled him again when he followed me to the pet department of walmart and asked what was I looking for.

"Shampoo for Stan's butt lice."

I heart a snicker from the next isle.  Ain't no telling what that person thought.

Oh this is great! :lau

Are you going to poop on me? You did! Good girl! No more pasty butt!
No, you can't fly up and sit on the dining room light. That is not where you go.
*point at a moth* Oh look, a chicken dinner!
(we caught moths to feed to the girls when they were chicks. Now every moth is a "chicken dinner" in our house)
OK Sweetie, you can sit on my shoulder but don't you poop on me.
I'll be ready in a minute, I just need to change out of my chicken pants.

And my all time favourite, said to my cochin when she was starting to round out as a pullet...

Look at your butt! It's getting so fat! You have such a nice fat butt! Who's my fat butt girl?

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