Things you never said until you had chickens.......

wow there are so many ..
the ones that usually make my hubby laugh is anytime we go anywhere and someone had a perfect chicken friendly environment .. I say how sad they dont have chickens .. why would they not have chickens ...its just so sad
and oh look (when i spot chickens in someone else's yard) chicken people .. chicken people are good people lol

and often i have to tell Flash (young naked neck) to chill out or hes going into a stew pot

and tonight i asked my kids who wanted to go help turn my eggs... my daughter volunteered and came to help then squealed at the one she touched with a little poopy on it's just poopy honey... but mom it touched my hand lol

now girls im gonna need you to lay some eggs so daddy doesn;t decide he wants chicken for supper

Red get back in that pen (my RIR was always getting out of our old run and coop by climbing over the top of the feeder)

got to check the bator (said about 5 times a day in the past few weeks)

ill add more later ... all the others are so funny and must be a staple for a lot of us !!
What? No, Turkeys yet? You sound like me, but instead of a dairy cow, I have rabbits. 33 of them, plus 2 dogs, 2 cats, 5 geese, over a hundred ducks, 36 turkeys, litterally hundreds of chickens, and one husband! LOL ! God Bless you and your family,
" Honey, s it my turn to losk up the birds tonight?"
" How do youwant your chicken fixed for dinner tonight?"
" Bear(one of our dogs) go chase the rooster off the porch, he's eating your food again"
"Honey be carefull when you get get ready to till the garden, today, the girls have been laying on the seat and in the bucket again!"
" If yu don't behave, you will besupper tonight!"
"Hold on, I'll be back in a minute, I have to go rescue the labs(dogs) from the attack turkeys!"

There's lots more, but that's all for now
plz dnt poop on me ..... u bloody chook now mum has to wash this and i smell lik poop

"come on CHOOK u no ur not alloud in the neibours yard "
OMG! This reminds me of when I was at a Napa art street faire and I was looking for ceramic chickens for my kitchen. I rounded the corner and there was a glorious 2-foot high rooster. I exclaimed (well, nearly shrieked) "What a HUGE cock! I gotta have it!" You could've heard a pin drop. The expression on the face of my date (now my husband) was indescribable. And, yes, it -- the huge cock -- now graces my counter.
That is absolutly amazing!!!
Ohmigosh! This thread is too funny! I laughed til I cried!

We have so many things that were never said around here until we got the Chickie Darlings......

(I'm terrified of bugs) To husband "Can we please stop by Petco and pick up some worms or crickets?" He gave me the weirdest look!

To Claire, the chicken, "If you claw me one more time, you are going in the crock pot."

I am a total prude that was raised in a very strict home (I don't even say butt in front of my mom and I am 30 years old; I say fanny or rear!), so when my husband and I talk about our cocks, our friends freak out completely!

To my nephew, "If your mutt kills one of my Chicke Darlings, not only will you replace it, I am going to kill the dog!"

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