Things you never said until you had chickens.......

oohh, lady chicken I read your siggy about your rock. That's so sad....

Thank you little farmer.

It was such a freak accident, we hope, either that or one or all my 3 ducks, pushed her into the water which I hate to think about.

My son found her on his 15th birthday..she was HIS chicken that he raised from an egg and now, her hatchmate, another Barred Rock, has stopped laying eggs Completely !!

She stopped laying the day it happened and its 5 weeks now, but shes fine.

I can only think that she is so traumatized that she wont lay anymore. I feel so bad for her.
I'll make you chicken and dumplings if you hurt her again! (talking about the rooster trying to mate a hen that does not want to and she is screaming...I just sprayed him with a water hose)
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Oh, look! You're getting your big girl feathers!

It's time to move you out of your crib and into your brand new big girl house. (from brooder to coop)

That's the girls' stroller (chicken tractor). I call it Poultry in Motion.

And, the all time most incredible thing I thought I'd never hear myself say before I got chickens:

"I just spent $5000 to have a chicken coop built." <sigh> The cost of living by ones' self is high.


"What have you done with Prissy??" (yelling hysterically at the feed store clerk who had sold all the EEs to a single customer after I'd already reserved, named, and pre-paid for two)

"An EGG! An EGG! I've got an EGG!"

"Here. Pull the lawn chairs in front of the coop, so we can sit and watch the chickens in the evening. It's much better than watching the news."

"I'm watching the chickens go to bed."

"I'm watching the chickens' door close automatically. How cool is that?!"

"Can you add window boxes and a poop drawer to the hen house?"

"Do you know how much freeze dried mealy worms cost? It's outrageous!!"

"I just ordered a book on how to raise my own worms."

"The mailman just delivered my earthworm eggs!"

Proudly, to my grown son: "I bought a whole can of crickets for only $3!"

"NO! No eggs for you!"
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MOOOOM the chickens keep picking on the dog!!
hey chickens are not stupid!
stuff my mom has said : Get the chicken out of the kitchen!
will you shoo the chickens off our couch?
how many times have i said not to bring the chickens in the house,let alone your bedroom? and the list goes on
Well, this is chicken related. There's a thread on growing mealworms (for the chickens of course!) here on BYC and in order to announce our success, we post, "I'VE GOT WORMS!!"
Ok, if you have a dirty mind like I do... I said this with absolute innocence and only realized how bad it was until it came out of my mouth...
"The little spangled cock just pecked the crap outta me!" (meant to say cockerel, Freudian slip, I guess)

"My little girls are laying!"

"I'll get supper started in a bit, I gotta go clip a wing."

Having a conversation on the phone with my MIL when suddenly she pauses and says, "What is all that cackling I hear?" I say, "The girls, I'm sitting out in the yard with the chickens and Splash is sitting on my shoulder."

Friends visit and regularly get asked, "Need any chicken poop?....For your garden?"

I'm sure there are more, but I'd have to ask friends and family. To me it might not have seemed off the wall, but to others it might have been hilarious.
Fortunately, most of my family and friends understand my obsession and take it all in stride. Others have become just as crazy a chicken lady as me.
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