Things you never said until you had chickens.......

"The Roosters are having their morning Choir Practice!"

"Flog me again and you will be a Chicken Nugget!"

"I will hold the new Cock if you will administer the medicine!"
These are hilarious! LOL
Here's mine:

I tell my dog all the time "Chickens are our friends, not food!"

As I was carrying in some frozen chickens from Costco, and the flock was surrounding me on the porch "Look away girls, it's nobody we know."

"Oh crap, I gotta get off the phone, Ginger Chicken is fighting with the Big Tom." (turkey)

"Someone pooped on the table saw."

"She's got a poop-sicle stuck on her butt." (it was winter)
"That's not food, it's a freckle!"


Oh yeah, we say that ALL THE TIME!

Either a freckle or small scab. Now I see why you need the red brooder light. They think ANYTHING small and different in color from the surrounding area must be a bug or something edible even if it doesn't move. I can imagine a small spot on a chick being of interest to the others. We have no first hand knowledge because I listened to the pros on BYC

"Don't eat my toes". My wife, for some reason, thinks sandals are appropriate chicken coop/run footwear. Chickens apparently think toes are food. Those are some BIG grubs!

"I need to find another earwig nest". Pre chicken ownership, I never would have imagined WANTING to find earwigs let alone go hunting for them.

"Girls, there are plenty of nipples for everyone, you don't need to crowd".

"I gave you 24 feet of roost and you are only using 3 feet!".

There are two 8 footers at 48" and one 8 footer at 24". And MOST of the birds are on the 30 inch brace (that I didn't even count in the calculation) that supports the free ends of the top 2 roosts. The others are on the 2 top roosts mashed up next to them. There are 12 of them only 7 weeks old now and the Cubalays are small. I know they tend to huddle on the roosts but geez, its 75F at night. You would think they would spread out a LITTLE. I'm really not sure HOW they are doing it with 3" per bird. That is about the width of a Cubalaya and the EEs, Astralorps and Faverolles are easily twice their size.

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FooFah (my dog) stop barking at the ladies (my chickens)!
Wait! Did I lock the girls up?
I love watching the chickens, its fun!
Heeeerrrrrre chic-chic-chic-chic!
If people knew how KFC treated their chickens they would never eat another drumbstixk again!
Scoop the poop, and feed a veggie!
Looking at a chicken standing on my dinning room table, "ok, who left the door open again?"
We need more grit.

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