Things you never said until you had chickens.......

A few new words or *sayings* in our vocabulary :

* Hunny, did you get the eggs today ? *

* Is the little chicken door open ? *

* Check out my eggs ! *

* Oh hear comes my chicken herd running towards me for treats ! *

* hold on, I'll change out of my poop shoes before leaving *

At the Restaurant with Friends * wait, don't throw your bread & salade leftovers out, I'll bring them home for my chickens * chicken bag instead of doggie bag lol *

* Hunny can you tie the dog up so I can let the chickens loose *

* I can't meet you right after work, I have to go home and tend to my chickens first *

* I have to go check on the chicks.... I think Dirty Gerdy is being mean with Black Betty again, have to go scold her *

Me to a Friend * I want to stop by the market before going home to buy some corn I seen on special * Friend * oh that will be good with your meal tonight * ME * uhhh no, actually, it will be a treat for my chickens * Friend * silence....oh...silence* LOL !

New name some of my Friends call me : The crazy Chicken Lady ! ... Hey ! I resemble that remark :p LOL !

I could go on here...always new and exciting things happen around chickens ! lol
I'm pretty sure I'm the crazy chicken lady, too. My friends don't understand.
My boyfriend and I were leaving a party early and when everyone asked why, he replied "I have to check on the 8 chicks I have in my basement". we got some pretty funny looks :)
She has a lovely butt - I bet she will be a good breeder!

OMG there are mice in the food again!
OMG there are More mice in the food again!
OMG the food is in the mice again l!!!!
OK girls do you want mice for breakfast?

"honey, did you feed the girls? What about my babies? No i dont mean the kids i meant the young birds, duh!"
"guys get out of the coop"
"dont throw the grass at Samcro (RIR Rooster) he might kick you"
"baby girl you cant just take a chicken to bed with you, take her back outside" (to my 4 year old)
"UGH BABE what on earth made you put the eggs on my drivers side floor board???" His answer: "i didnt want them to get rained on while i put the babies up" "do what?! well now you can clean my floorboard"
my 4yr old DD "Momma, our chickens just got dead cuz that stupid caccoon got in and ated them then it ated my cookie (her favorite hen)"
theres many more but these are the ones i remember right now
MySurbabanLife: I love your avvie!!!!! That's such a pretty chick!!! Oh, and this quote was from tonight:

"Buttermilk, stop!!!!! Mommy's trying to eat her popsicle!!! Go away!!!!" (Buttermilk was climbing on my lap to have a bit of my popsicle then: "NO GUYS!!!!!! STOP STEALING MY POPSICLE!!!!" (Then Buttermilk and Junior each got a peck from each side of my popsicle.) "Goodness, you guys are worse than dogs I tell you."

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