Things you never said until you had chickens.......

(to my frizzle roo) scene: feeding the chickens while on the phone with a family member- I randomly scream in her ear " If you don't stop attacking me you are gonna be a McNugget!!"
other end of the phone line: dead silence...followed by insane laughter
"Hey, stop trying to attack the dog!" (This happened when I was scolding one of our dogs for jumping a fence and my hen Ohelo decided that I needed some help.)

"Wait! Don't kill that centipede, the chickens will love it!"

"No, you can't eat my hair!"

"Stop pecking my toes!" (especially when I get my toes painted)
Said these yesterday...

Hey, quit pecking my butt!!! ....said to Momma who decided I needed my jeans pecked while I was squatting down to get their waterer out from under the coop.

Momma, quit pecking my toes!! ....self explanatory....except my mother heard me yell it at Momma the hen and she yelled across the field at me..."I'm not pecking your toes!!!"
Ms. Bossy Pants and her submissive friend!

I read the term "submissive friend" on a string one day regarding pecking order and problems with the - well, submissive friend - of the top chicken. We now use this whenever we describe Ms. Bossy Pants' buddy. Last night, when I was talking about chicken dynamics and mentioned the pair, a friend said - "That sounds like something you might see on Craig's List!"
POLLY! quit chasing the cat or she'll eat you! chicken stops and looks at me like "yeah right" and continues to chase the cat.
agian at a different time.
POLLY stop it NOW! chicken stops and nochalantly struts over to the cat. DON'T MAKE ME COME OVER THERE! and she slowly goes down and pecks the cat. Oh you're in BIG trouble young lady!!!!!

Me to a random friend, "No that is NOT a buzzard! Its a pure breed ameraucana! He dose not look like a buzzard!!! If you say it one more time I will sick him on you! "

crazy people......not a buzzard >.>
Previous Landlady: “Either you go or the chickens go, I will not have them destroying my garden!” (we are talking about 2 bantams and a 60 foot plot of land…err)

Friend: “don’t be stupid of course the chickens will have to go!"

Me: "No they are my babies, I’d like to see you get rid of your kids when your landlord don’t like them."

Friend: "They are chickens not Children! "(Loads of huffing and puffing and eye rolling)

Me: "well to me they are My children!! End of."

Without any further a do, I found me and my chucks a pet friendly house to live in and a 30 foot garden to “destroy” i mean roam in....
"Who wants some grass? Yum yum!"

Sitting at my son's birthday dinner last night at a really nice restaurant and I turn to him and my daughter-in-law and ask them if they have any fresh grass. The looks on my other two boys and husband's face was priceless. My birthday boy turns to me and says, "Mom, your dealer must not be very good if you are having to ask us for grass!"

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