Things you never said until you had chickens.......

me: hey, smell this baby chick.
Friend:What? no!
Me: they smell so good though! *puts nose in chick fuzz and smells*
Friend: fine. *smells chick*
Friend (after smelling chick): not bad!

Anyone else like baby chick smell? I don't know if its because I associate it with happy memories from when i was a kid or what, but I love it! am I a weirdo?
me: hey, smell this baby chick.
Friend:What? no!
Me: they smell so good though! *puts nose in chick fuzz and smells*
Friend: fine. *smells chick*
Friend (after smelling chick): not bad!

Anyone else like baby chick smell? I don't know if its because I associate it with happy memories from when i was a kid or what, but I love it! am I a weirdo?

I love the smell of a baby chick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*My sister talking to her friend*

Sister- My sister has like a million animals (she not a big fan of chickens)
Friend- Really?
Sister- Yeah, she's got two cats and like 300 chickens
Friend- Chickens don't count
Sister- Hers do.

Hahaha, she was telling us the other day and my mom was like "Her chickens are pets too! Hahaha"
We got 2 grown hens on friday and they have been confined to the coop till they get used to it. Well today we let them in the run...
me: honey, salt has poop on her butt you need to clean it
him: no you wanted them you do it
me: well how do you expect me to wipe a chickens butt alone?
him: do they make chicken wipes like baby wipes?
Me: idk you look it up mr read all the good stories on byc becore me
him: idk what tou are talking about
Okay, this one usually happens every morning:

*I just came down from my room, and it's in the morning

Me: I'm starving
Mom: Well, get something to eat. You wanna an egg?
Me: Oh, yea!! I'd love an egg!!
Mom: Well, sit down and I'll make you one
Me: Oh, Mom, don't make the egg yet.
Mom: Well, why not?
Me: Because I have to go out with my chickens
Mom: Oh, I thought you said you were starving
Me: I did
Mom: Well, then sit down and eat!!
Me: No Mom!!! I have to do my 'kids' before eating!!
Mom: *sigh* Alright. Whatever
"Because they just sit out in the rain. I don't know why they don't go in their warm area."
"*rolls eyes* whatever.

Yep. Big rain last evening. 7 of the 12 are outside and 6 are too stupid to come in. First time they were out in rain. I don't know if they were just confused or what but they sure did not look happy. They went in when the rain let up for a short time but I had to individually pick them up and put them at the top of the chicken ramp. Hopefully they will follow Andromeda the next time!

My B-I-L and nieces came for a rare visit Saturday. I was sitting on the grass in the outside run in my jeans with an ~8 week old Cubalaya on my knee. She left and my 19 Y/O daughter saw the wet chicken poop on my knee.

Her: "EWWWWW!"
Me: "It's only chicken poop, just need a big leaf to get it off"
Me, not finding a leaf: "Or a small rock"
Me (to a coworker): "Want to see pictures of my chickens?"

Co-worker: "Uh...okay." (Really, what else was she going to say?!)

Me: "This is Albert....this is Mimi....this is Pedro....this is Amelia... (on and on)..."

Co-worker: Silence
my 19 Y/O daughter saw the wet chicken poop on my knee.

Her: "EWWWWW!"
Me: "It's only chicken poop, just need a big leaf to get it off"
Me, not finding a leaf: "Or a small rock"
love it!

Me (to a coworker): "Want to see pictures of my chickens?"

Co-worker: "Uh...okay." (Really, what else was she going to say?!)

Me: "This is Albert....this is Mimi....this is Pedro....this is Amelia... (on and on)..."

Co-worker: Silence

that's so me as well... i actually brought my lap top in and made my boss endure a slide show, but she likes chickens, so...
me: hey, smell this baby chick.
Friend:What? no!
Me: they smell so good though! *puts nose in chick fuzz and smells*
Friend: fine. *smells chick*
Friend (after smelling chick): not bad!

Anyone else like baby chick smell? I don't know if its because I associate it with happy memories from when i was a kid or what, but I love it! am I a weirdo?
I loved smelling my chicks!! Eveyone thought I was crazy but it was so warm and homey.

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