Things you never said until you had chickens.......

Deathdrag(my son and new member) and I were talking about this earlier when we gave the chickens some oatmeal. the dogs were right there eating it for the chickens would not really touch it. I can say this between chickens, dogs and cats not much is wasted here, and to think there is a pig coming at some point.
same here, no waste and a nice compost, I live on the top of a mountain, with very little very acidic top soil. I make the best dirt around!
build a very sturdy pig pen, they are excellent escape artists. my neighbor up the road has a pig farm, 3 pigs got out and they destroyed the brand new road, now there is a big battle as to who's gotta fix it...

my neighbor asked me the other day why i was giving my chickens dead bugs from the zapper. nothing goes to waste here!
my neighbor asked me the other day why i was giving my chickens dead bugs from the zapper. nothing goes to waste here!

Why WOULDN'T you give them to the chickens? Time to educate the neighbor. And get them to save their zapped bugs for your chickens. And their earwigs, and grubs and ...

Too bad my girls don't like Japanese beetles. I have a bunch in the trap. All that protein going to waste!

My latest:
"No, stay IN the coop!"

Last night trying to get the girls to bed while it was still light enough to count them. Don't want to turn the light on and disturb them when they are already roosting. Never know when one might have escaped. My wife found one roosting in the little room next to the coop one evening this week. There is wire between the room and the coop so she could see her pals. Thus, we count!

The Anconas went in, then the Chanteclers, then Peep (a Cubalaya). Then the train stopped and Peep came back out followed by Dee and Laura and finally the Anconas.
Me come on you daft birds I know its a long way to the coop so come into the cat run out of the rain. Only three steps away.
(Hubby 5 years ago) "How do I lock the coop if you're at work?", "You're buying an incubator?" "Does that rooster have to crow all day?"

TO present day:

"Handsome jumped up on my arm today. Fern is following me around chatting. Lola jumped on my head! Ramona let me pet her! We need more Polish, Princess Fluffy Britches is lonely. Maybe I should build another coop. Struedel's crow was a bit off today. MinnieMouse didn't come for a treat this morning. Laverne wanted me to pick her up. Beezley didn't come for a treat. How many eggs today? Lola's in with the silkies again. Hon, why do 3 chickens lay in one nest at the same time when they have 5 to choose from? .....................................

Another convert.
After shucking corn and "saving" the worms (whodda thunk?), asking, "If I give you worms, will you give me an egg?"
my mom freezes left over corn and gives the buggiest to the chickens my brothers also get a kick out of watching them chase each other when they have a goodie
kinda like foot ball, oh wait deffinitly like foot ball. when we hand feed them (hold the corn and let them eat it) it gets every where! especially when the ss cockerel gets to it! teh chicks are so adorable when they eat it
everyone smiles at the overdose of cuteness!
(Hubby 5 years ago) "How do I lock the coop if you're at work?", "You're buying an incubator?" "Does that rooster have to crow all day?"

TO present day:

"Handsome jumped up on my arm today. Fern is following me around chatting. Lola jumped on my head! Ramona let me pet her! We need more Polish, Princess Fluffy Britches is lonely. Maybe I should build another coop. Struedel's crow was a bit off today. MinnieMouse didn't come for a treat this morning. Laverne wanted me to pick her up. Beezley didn't come for a treat. How many eggs today? Lola's in with the silkies again. Hon, why do 3 chickens lay in one nest at the same time when they have 5 to choose from? .....................................

Another convert.
Yep, that's us too! We love 'em!

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