Things you never said until you had chickens.......

(Hubby 5 years ago) "How do I lock the coop if you're at work?", "You're buying an incubator?" "Does that rooster have to crow all day?"

TO present day:

"Handsome jumped up on my arm today. Fern is following me around chatting. Lola jumped on my head! Ramona let me pet her! We need more Polish, Princess Fluffy Britches is lonely. Maybe I should build another coop. Struedel's crow was a bit off today. MinnieMouse didn't come for a treat this morning. Laverne wanted me to pick her up. Beezley didn't come for a treat. How many eggs today? Lola's in with the silkies again. Hon, why do 3 chickens lay in one nest at the same time when they have 5 to choose from? .....................................

Another convert.

LOLOL thats awesome
"Stop bothering mamma with the babies or you will get bet with the rooster stick" Said after ther rooster that has gotten knocked out cold with stick once already for missing with one hen after 3 other roosters had got her.
I had way to many roosters. two in pen, 11 out of pen and 9 of thtem when to the auction yesterday, still have two to many.
I find it hilarious that when the boy down the street comes to visit the chickens, he's so scared (I think its because he was being annoying and I threw my Jersey Giant at his head) but little kids and the girliest girls I know run right in and start playing with them. When someone comes over and I ask what they want to do, they always say chickens.
I was actually late for work this morning because I found a HUGE praying mantis on the screen which I just *had* to catch and give to the girls. Of course, I then had to stick around and watch them play keep-away with it. Too cool.

Oh, well. It's only a job and my sole means of support. First things first, I always say.
I think its funny when I let some one look at my camera and they tell me I'm crazy because I have 50 pics of chickens!
I was telling a story about "playing with my chickens" at work and everyone looked at me like I was crazy..."how do you play with Chickens" I guess if you don't have chickens you just don't understand :)
Mocking the chickens is one thing. This morning I was singing opera along with the girls for at least five minutes, and at the top of my lungs!
50 pics? HA! i have over 300, and that is after deleting a bunch! Only aprx 50 pics of family/friends.

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