Things you never said until you had chickens.......

Conversation with my girlfriend who is a Paramedic and has chicks in the brooder. She is a new chicken addict.

"Can you keep the chicks for me while I work"
this morning - she is dropping off the chicks (she is already at work at the Firehouse)
Her: "I'm gonna put he birds in my car and Margie is going to follow me (in the ambulance).
If we get a call, I'm gonna ditch my car and call u to go get the car. I don't want to chance getting a call with
them in the ambo. Funny but not really."

Me: "Okay"

Now, picture the car driving down the road with two boxes of chicks and the ambulance following. And then tones (the call for an emergency) goes out....
"The super cock looks fine."

(Said upon looking at the new food from the local feed mill - they just had to name the feed "Super Cock".)
Duncan ( my choc lab) there's chicken on the front porch, go round her up.
Bruce, there's a chicken on the front porch, she's really mad because your cat is in her green basket. I think she wants to lay an egg in private.
Hahahaha! I'm lovin all this.....chickenless people would never understand...aren't we lucky!!
"My grand-daddy had chickens his whole life and I never saw him wipe one of 'em's @$$!"
Said my father-in-law as I was holding my chicken in my lap and cleaning out a clump of poop stuck in her butt feathers.

"And just like a typical man he thought he'd run right in and mount her the very second he met her the first time!"
I said when I was telling of how my new rooster acted when I let him in with the hens the first time...he so got shut down! My girl beat him to a bloody pulp..she said "It ain't going down like that chief!" OF COURSE he tried the same thing the next time I tried to put them together!
just said this about 3 min ago my mother called me and asked if I wanted to go to Wal-Mart with her and I had to tell her " Give me about 15 min my chicken is over heating and I need to cool her off" my poor phoenix was trying to lay egg for 45 min she was panting and finally got up to drink water and looked horrible so I brought her in and held her in front of air vent and let cool air blow on her, I lifted up each wing and her belly I knew she enjoyed in cuz this bird HATES to be man handled don’t like being picked up and she just set there and enjoyed her cool off now she is sitting in my room on comfy bed don’t know if she will lay her egg in here or try and go back out side. I can’t wait till this heat is over

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