Things you never said until you had chickens.......

Lilly: Puts the chicks in hat
Dad: No don't put them in the... Awwe look how big they're getting!!!
Me: Yeah look at all of Basil's fluff
Dad: Yeah! and Peaches is just so tall! Those pretty rounded feathers!
Me: I love these girls
Dad: They'll be show chickens for sure!
Me and Lilly:
CountryAgain, i can so relate! at the end of July we had a major storm, the downpour was torrential and my birds were out... so i go running out (no hat) and find half of them in the big lilac, and the other half under my truck, phew, at least they have really good cover! then it started to hail... quarter size chunks of ice whacking me on the head... but i endured the storm with the gang in the lilac, ice was penetrating, but only the pea size pieces thankfully... i told them to budge up and make room for Mother and crawled inside the lilac with them... we were pretty drenched when it was done, but the gang under the truck were completely dry and fluffy... and here we come all bedraggled and sopping... i think the dry group snickered when they saw us...

Well, at least I am not the only crazy one! My chicks don't even free range, but I still go out in the worst storms to sit with them, and keep them calm. The first few storms, they really weren't happy. They were calmer when I sang than when I was talking to them. So far (7 weeks) we haven't had any bad storms for the new batch. Good thing, too. I gave up my living room in the coop to add on for the newbies. Now THERE is something I didn't think I would say. I had a hangout in a chicken coop complete with fridge!
BTW, did anyone know that some towns say chickens bring drugs into the community? Apparently several meth labs have been found in coops. Sneaky chickens!
mine don't free range anymore... the storm i talked about was a Saturday, and the Monday next, I lost 2 of my birds to a fox. since then, they have had range time in the corner of the house that I could easily fence in. and they were supervised in case they found a way out... no mass exodus...
and i built a nice large enclosure and put it in that corner. i take them out each afternoon for some bug hunting, and they are good, everyone pretty much stays together or at least are easy to corral back in... I only have 7 chickens, 1 cockerel, 6 pullets, so it's not hard to keep track. and i have yet to actually bring them back in because "times up"... they are so funny ~ after about an hour, they just go back. I'm like... "hey! i wanna stay out!, where y'all goin'???"
My son has been taking care of the chickens since he could walk. He's about to turn 3.

To the boy: "Euwww, I said not to drink the water from that. That only for the chickens."
and "Don't eat the chicken food. Who's that for? Yes, that's right, the chickens."

And by the way. he never gets sick.

Oh, when I woke him up from his nap and got him dressed yesterday, he asked me if I was going outside to do chicken chores.
"Yes, I am." so he asked me, "Are they going to poop on you?" I said ,"no." He responded matter-of-factly, "They only poop on me, not you."
While I'm at it....

I came running into the house yesterday and held up an egg and said excitedly, "Do you know what this is?!?" response: "An egg with chicken poop on it." "No..." "Sorry, an egg with chicken manure on it." "Nope, it the first egg from this years chicks!!"
While I'm at it....

I came running into the house yesterday and held up an egg and said excitedly, "Do you know what this is?!?" response: "An egg with chicken poop on it." "No..." "Sorry, an egg with chicken manure on it." "Nope, it the first egg from this years chicks!!"
family members just dont seem to get the prospect of the"first egg" i showed my family the green egg that one of my ee s layed and they just didnt get it, my mom did but she was on the phone so i had to wiat to show her.... it gets kinda annoying when they start to lay right when you are sopposed to go on vacaition
I have a blue golden duckwing old English game bantam his name is popeye. He attacks his water bowl if you move it. I picked it up one day to empty it because it was getting gross he ran up hit the water bowl in my hand and knocked nasty water all over me. That was the last straw I grabed the water hose with the sprayer on it and said "you wanna get me wet well now it's my turn" I squirted him good with it on high and said "how do you like it" then realized I was having a petty fight with a munchkin rooster and started laughing.
melgauthier, that is a great, funny first post!  Welcome to BYC! 

One morning this past spring my Brahma roo, a good roo, momentarily lost his mind as I set a dish of treats down. He had an issue with my new red wool hat, I caught a toe nail along side of my mouth and had a shallow but bloody 4'' scratch.    Later that day our long time UPS man comes to the gate, I walked out to get the package.  As he stepped out of the truck he started to say hello but his jaw dropped and his eye brows shot upward. Then his mouth clamped shut, eye brows stayed up.   Things I never said until I had chickens?  'It was the rooster, not a bar fight. I got complacent and the rooster got me'.  (FYI: Ginger the roo is alive and well, he went through a brief intensive rooster reform training and I do not set dishes down until he moves, as directed, a few feet away from me.)

I had almost the same thing happen but it was a bloody scratch from my chin to my ear. I was trying to catch the fool in the coop and he went over my head, leaving that scratch behind. Everyone that knew I had a rooster thought he'd really tried to kick my behind and those that didn't were too embarrassed to ask. HAHAHA
Me (to a turkey who flew OVER the top of the Chicken run and got in with the chickens) : You are a Naughty bird.
Turkey: Peep Peep Peep.
Me: You know what we do to Naughty birds?
Turkey: Peep Peep Peep?
Me: You Sure you want to know?
Turkey: Peep Peep Peep??
Me: We sacrifice them to the Tractor!! (In an evil/intimidating voice)

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