Things you never said until you had chickens.......

"...but you have to understand... you were never good at math"

"chicken math is different"

"you went down for ONE rooster, but you came back with TWO roosters and ONE pullet, you still aren't good at Math"

"in chicken math, that equals an A+"
Be sure to thank him every time you go! For over a year and a half I had been getting couple boxes a week from one of the grocers until some idiot had an altercation over the barrels going out before he could get his free stuff. The guy getting the 55 gal barrels of produce waste paid for it. I hope that I can get the stuff again after the dust settles. With the last two summers of drought, it would the only tender greens they would get. I sure miss it, they are starting to snub the Armenian cucumbers and overripe melons from my garden. Then they are out of luck, I can't afford to buy produce for 40+ chickens.

As far as things I say,

"Don't waste you time washing the porch, just do it once before the Grandbaby comes" The porches are run nearly the length of the front and back of the house.
DH- She backed up and just dropped it in my hand!.....yes an egg!
They are just too stupid to live (one batch of Buff Sex links that insist on going in the woods-TO BE EATEN.)
It's too hot to lay eggs.
Be sure to thank him every time you go! For over a year and a half I had been getting couple boxes a week from one of the grocers until some idiot had an altercation over the barrels going out before he could get his free stuff. The guy getting the 55 gal barrels of produce waste paid for it. I hope that I can get the stuff again after the dust settles. With the last two summers of drought, it would the only tender greens they would get. I sure miss it, they are starting to snub the Armenian cucumbers and overripe melons from my garden. Then they are out of luck, I can't afford to buy produce for 40+ chickens.
I looked back several pages and cannot find what this is in reference too, to bad people forget to use the "Quote" button when they are replying to something.

As for me, I went to several markets and found who was in charge of the five gallon buckets that get thrown away. I asked politely if I could have them and in every case was told that I could pick them up whenever there were empties. I explained that I only can get "into town" once a week, and now the empty five gallon buckets are saved for me.

I haven't asked if the stores could save greens for me, I think that would be really pushing it, and to have all those greens sit for as much as a week before I can get them .... well ....


I know this is lengthy... but it's something I never expected to do... and I've been having a blast... mostly posting these on the Should I buy eggs or wait it out... thread, we've gotten a few others hooked... if you'd like to join us... we'd love to have you!

I told a friend I needed to make
a pie for my gang, but no need to bake.
My gang, you see, are chickens, no lie!
and they won't lay eggs til I make them a Pie!
The pie must be special, it must have a face,
my friend said "you're crazy", and came up to my place.
With her she brought, one hamburger bun.
She said "I'm crazy too, let's both have some fun"
Your bread is too pricey, let's use this instead,
With that we got started and fashioned a head.
Watermelon sliced round makes for a very nice start
I want them to love this, with all of my heart.
They Perped and they Murmured, and their heads start to bob,
Do they approve? Do they think that we did a good job?
The coleslaw that's hair, is a tiny bit sour...
they gobbled it down, it was my finest hour!
They loved the granola, the cereal too...
The radish that's nose, belonged to the roo!
He snatched it and ran as fast as he could,
The girls certainly followed, but it did them no good!
Royce ate it so quickly, it was gone in a flash!
So the next thing to do was find a good stash...
Bugs are aplenty, so it's time for a search
one half hour later, they head for their perch.
With crops stuffed so full, they look odd, yes they do...
but I'm sure I heard clearly, "our eggs will be blue"

and for the arrival of my new babes...:

We had it good, we had it made
til that truck arrived and we were plucked from the shade.
"She" loaded us up, and took us away,
it turned out to be a really long day.

Next day we awoke, and all was new.
We hopped off our roost into morning dew.
The grass tastes the same, the water too,
but those aren't our gals o'er there, and Who is that Roo?

Oh here "she" comes with something in hand
Hurry, move back, we don't know what she's planned!
What is this thing? We've never seen this!
Don't get too close! Something's amiss!

'Si braved the first nibble and let out a "cheep"
and passed on a berry to Archie and Peach.
They shared that one berry, but came for no more,
no matter that the pie had berries galore!

The gate had swung open, the others were there
it really was strange, we couldn't help but stare
They gobbled that pie thing in seconds flat
then came over to greet us and have a brief chat.

Before, you were "chickens" and that is still true
Now you are Chickens, chosen for feathers blue

and little Peach, too sweet to leave behind
your wee little eggs will be one of a kind!

That Lady you see, that "she" that you fear,
is Mother, dear Mother, and just wait til you hear!
She Perps and she Boks, she knows "chicken speak"
Just wait til she catches you, and kisses your beak!

She's good to all critters, the furry and feathered
she'll take care of us all, no matter the weather!
We're safe and sound in our Chicken Dome
So come on and join us and be Welcomed Home!

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