Things you never said until you had chickens.......

"Sssssshhhhh!!! Einstein is laying an egg!" Reffering to Einstein, my polish hen. I thought she was a cock, called her Einstein, and could not change the name!

Not too many days ago, the contractor who does a lot of work on my house and property (general, all-around handy-man kind of contractor) was getting ready to paint window trim.  Suddenly, he says to me, "Quick!  Get me a chicken!"

Huh?  What?  Where? (Thinking one got into his work van again, or was checking out his paint bucket or something... But "get ME a chicken," whaat?.)  Turns out he found a large spider in its web by the A/C in one window.  I brought him a chicken and handed it up to him on his ladder.  He accepts the chicken, calms it, and then holds it up to the spider web.  SNAP!  That chicken got that spider in a flash.  He hands the chicken back to me because he didn't want to drop it too far. 

He's around here several times a week (lots of projects on this Fixer-Upper I bought) and cracked me up when he heard The Egg Song.  HE says what they're saying is "An egg fell out of my butt!  An egg fell out of my butt!"  And he says it in the same cadence as "Bok bok bok bok bok buh-GAWK!"

:gig That's great!
OMG... now I am going to be singing that one ........
I was... as usual, relating "chicken tales" to my friends, and of course, imitated the chicken... my BH looked at me and said "You do that waaaay to well"
I love my babies... I can't help it..
This is Wilma... and her story

what DO you think you are doing?

I've so had it with that silly pug!

oh yes, pinch that spot there!

it's MY dang turn already!

that's more like it..... ahhhhhhhhh!

oh yes, pinch that spot there!

smooth me please

look back at picture 6, see red? she marched over and pecked Wilma in the head!

so Wilma pecked her back! that's my Girl!
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Originally Posted by cheeka

Calculus is the study of change, with the basic focus being on
  • Rate of change
  • Accumulation

Calculus is what we need
When we're hooked on chickens
and how they breed...

Who will turn broody?
How long does it take
to get hooked on hatching
and seal your fate?

The Rate of Change is up to us
if it's no big deal, no need to fuss...
if it's a lure, changes rapidly take place
before you know it, it's a whole new case!

Accumulation is the natural rule,
their so darned cute, it's an internal duel.

How many is "too" many?
we have to ask ourselves...
they need care and attention,
they're not trinkets on our shelves.

Fortunately, they are endearing
and win over most of us
so those of us who love them so
will expand with Calculus!

Oh Great!!!
I changed my major in college from Math because of Calculus.


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