Things you never said until you had chickens.......

my honey came home today, and I was telling him about Wilma's silly jealous behavior. He basically poo-pooed me and thought I was exaggerating. UNTIL... we went out to give the flock some supervised range time! Every time I squat down, or sit on the ground, the dog comes immediately for attention, so I kept standing and let him get settled. Ruby came a'begging for scratching, and within seconds, Wilma was there, baaaaaaaaaaaw'ing and pecked him twice before hopping right in his lap and sticking her fluffy butt in his face! if it weren't for the rest of the flock heading around the back of the garage, I could have run back inside to grab the camera... but flock maintenance is #1. when the gang is out, no human leaves the scene even for one minute. no exceptions. (if they stayed in/around the lilac... I could have risked it, he was sitting with Wilma only 5 feet away, but they skidaddled, so I had to follow)

He said "if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes... a jealous chicken... omg..." he was laughing like a kid who had a lap full of candy instead of a lap full of Wilma. She stayed there for a good 15 minutes. that's one he'll never forget!
Thanks Wilma!
you got your Mama's back!
the guineas on the roof again
she laid her first egg
checkers is golfing again(darth vadar button quail throwinh his mates eggs around again)
the guinea was in the duck pond thats the third time today
Okay girls... I'm here to gather your eggs, please remember the "no pooping" rule while I am here.
This morning, my husband, who regularly complains that my chickens are too numerous and are causing trouble, detected a pair of hawks circling our yard. So, he goes outside and tries to shoo them out of the tree bordering our yard. Apparently, a simple "shoo, shoo" does not bother the hawks enough to cause them to vacate. So, he breaks out the potato cannon and starts firing full size potatoes at the tree - yes it makes a big BOOM when you launch a potato. It is 7:45 in the morning and there he is firing potatoes straight up in the air and shouting like a lunatic. Awesome - I am sure we pretty much have neighbor of the year locked up at this point.
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This morning, my husband, who regularly complains that my chickens are too numerous and are causing trouble, detected a pair of hawks circling our yard. So, he goes outside and tries to shoo them out of the tree bordering our yard. Apparently, a simple "shoo, shoo" does not bother the hawks enough to cause them to vacate. So, he breaks out the potato cannon and starts firing full size potatoes at the tree - yes it makes a big BOOM when you launch a potato. It is 7:45 in the morning and there he is firing potatoes straight up in the air and shouting like a lunatic. Awesome - I am sure we pretty much have neighbor of the year locked up at this point.
I don't know which is funnier - the "shoo, shoo" or using a potato cannon at 7:45 AM. You definitely have my vote for neighbor of the year.
Mom: Did you close the girls in the coop?
Me: Yes, I did
Mom: Go get the water and change it
Me: //gets the water
Mom: Oh we should put some ice in it!
Me: Okay, not too much though
Mom: Soak that red drinky whatever in vinegar.
Me: Alright?

Oh Mom xD
I want my senior pics taken with my rooster. (Seriously, I did. but then my dad said no. My rooster is a Handsome big delaware. I think cleaned up he'd look great, with me in a black top. but, oh well..)

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