Things you never said until you had chickens.......

I want my senior pics taken with my rooster. (Seriously, I did. but then my dad said no. My rooster is a Handsome big delaware. I think cleaned up he'd look great, with me in a black top. but, oh well..)

Hmm... Interesting idea, I can picture it how... Hehe
This has happened twice to me now. I have been on the phone with my siblings and have yelled 'HAWK' and then hang up!!! I know my family thinks I am nuts!!
(My girls are fine)

Lisa :)
LOL good things come to people who wait ..Like EGGS . Or started laying at about 4 1/2 months ..Are you giving them Layer food ..that might help . Our youg'ins lay cast iron eggs ..LOl
have mercy on me Wilma... you are jealous of everyone! No One, not human, not feline, not canine, and certainly not any other bird is allowed to come to me for attention or affection if she is within eyesight.
she comes over baaaaaaaawwwwwk'ing, gets to my feet, takes 2 Mighty Stomps and squats... it's embarrassing now.
have mercy on me Wilma... you are jealous of everyone! No One, not human, not feline, not canine, and certainly not any other bird is allowed to come to me for attention or affection if she is within eyesight.
she comes over baaaaaaaawwwwwk'ing, gets to my feet, takes 2 Mighty Stomps and squats... it's embarrassing now.
Wilma is hilariously endearing! Brutus jumps up in my lap almost every time I sit down when they are ranging. Last night though when I was reaching for something, she flew from a roost and landed on my out stretched arm! She has also jumped from the top of a rabbit hutch to my shoulder before. The funniest thing she does though is when I try to get them to go into the coop earlier than usual. She jumps on top of the rabbit hutch and waits for everyone else to go in. Then I have to pick her up and take her into the coop. It doesn't happen every time, just time to time she expects to be carried in. Then before I put her down (by the feeder no less) she nuzzles her head by my cheek. The first time she did this, I thought she was going to peck at one of my freckles, because I forget they aren't as dark as they used to be. I never expected her to be so affectionate, because I adopted her when she was nearly 2 or 3 months old! She's even friendlier than some of the chicks I raised from 2-3 days old! (Brutus is the one in my profile picture, standing on my hand.)
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MY NEW BABIES ATE FROM MY HAND!!!!!! I am soooo thrilled they finally trust me! they've been watching me for 3 weeks, loving on all the other birds, feeding them from my hands, loving the cats, loving the dog... and they would stay at least 12 feet away. it was just awesome that when I got the rest of the gang put away, and came with a fresh container of seeds for Osiris, Archie and Peach... they know the sound of seed shaking and what it means, so I just took a handful, knelt down with my hand outstretched and looked down. didn't look at the birds. it worked. Osiris came first, circled about a foot away for a minute, then tentatively took a step closer... I was softly saying c'mon... you can do it, but not looking up and he did it! then Peach came right away and helped herself to a whole bunch. Archie was gobbling up what spilled on the ground but then he got into it and took from my hand too! he got the hang of gentle nibbling by the 4th handful... I'm so happy I could dance on the coffee table!

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