Things you never said until you had chickens.......

I don't have chickens yet, but I still am saying things related to them. I'm including my husband's reactions.

Me: "It says I have to look at their private bits and find a bump or no bump."
Hubs: "Sounds easy to me, isn't that what they do to human babies too?"

Me: "It's slimy and furry at the same time, gross." (while watching a chick hatch on YouTube)
Hubs: "She just coughed up a hairball it's not that big of a deal." (referring to the cat)

Me: "I need a nice wide pencil to mark the eggs with Xs and Os when they arrive."
Hubs: "What for??"
Me: "So I know when to turn them."
Hubs: "How is hugging and kissing them with a pencil going to help turn them?" --- nope, I'm not kidding, this conversation took place. It's because I always say "Xs and Os, love" (it's one of our things we do to say I love you). In this situation was too much to bear and I laughed so hard I cried.

Me: "That's it, I'm not going to have a choice...I have to shoot them in the neck, apparently." (referring to giving them Merek's vaccines)
Hubs: "Dear, if the dogs are being that annoying just let them outside to do their need to get overdramatic."

AND my MOST favorite of all of them. This one happened this morning:

Me: "I need to find that link that tells me how to sex a chick. I think they said you can do it with feathers."
Him: [jaw drops] "Have you lost your mind? Are you sure that spray paint said non toxic on it?" - and he was dead serious when he said it...he was quite concerned.
Today someone in the band hallway went BAGAWK!! And i looked at my friend so seriously, and i said "Someone's singing the egg Song.." she looked at me, and I explained, and we both cracked up laughing!! And hten the girl down the hall went BAGAWK! Again!! We were laughing for about 10 minutes. Before i had chickens, I never would have said that!!
Ha ha ha MC!!! that would be a riot! if you see it again, post the info cuz I CERTAINLY would send in a photo!!!!!
I just saw a Purdue ad saying "you know where your chicken comes from" (if you buy his...) cuz they are vegetarians(???) eating only corn, safflower (I think) and marigolds. all that yellow food... no wonder why the fat on purdue chickens is such a bright yellow... those poor babies don't even get a meal worm. maybe a shot of me holding the chicken while she enjoys a cricket drumstick...???
It is Tyson, and now that want nugget pictures. Go to their FB page if you want to post a picture of you eating any part of your chicken... Either say your chick's name is nugget (especially day old chicks) or that nuggets come from here and there depending on the company.
hi LF
nice picture! that's stink eye for sure!

MC, I have an early day tomorrow and my sweetie is here, so we are going to take photos for sure! I don't have chicks so I'll have to say my chicken is named Nugget... Wilma will let me, guaranteed!
I have a vision of a project for Spring... must be the migraine... it's a nutty idea... to put an enclosed pathway from the run, around the house, and over the front flower beds, that I can change over to grasses, and have it run a few inches over top so they can eat lots of grass, but not trash the beds... i'm thinking I'm devoted enough to these silly birds to do it too...

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