Things you never said until you had chickens.......

I say that to my EE's too!
1. First time my girls free ranged.. Me running toward the girls, arms in the air , screaming "get the gun , get the gun something is in the woods with my girls , hurry , hurry".. I reach the woods just as two very frighten grey squrrels run up the tree with the horribly surprised look and the girls calmly scratching and eating. Needless to say, my adult children were ROTFLTAO... and my husband was walking back to the house shaking his head...

2. look, look, I got my first egg today....
3. I am never cooking THIS egg,
4. would you like some eggs, I have 10doz in the fridge... No they are fresh, I am getting a several doz a day..
5. I bet you won't eat another egg , will you MR. Snakie???
Queen Bee! I said I wouldn't eat any of the "1st" eggs either because I didn't want to crack the shells... I wanted to blow them... I was going to use a needle, but decided to use a small loom hook (knitting tool) and it made such a perfect little hole and I was able to make it larger by pulling "away" with the hook so no discernible shell went inside. I was able to blow the egg out ~ omg ~ it was the cutest little bitty egg... the yolk was a little bigger than a dime... I had to cook it... so I mixed a little half and half in, scarmbled it and used it as batter for ... fried chicken ...

Since the 26th of September I have received 11 perfect eggs, 1 that I think is a double yolker, and 3 with no shells... I'm so proud of my girls!

I still haven't cracked any of them open, I can't do it yet...
my daughter left the front door open this morning and all 6 chickens were in the living room when i got done changing clothes. i put my hands on my hips and said "I am the hean hen in THIS coop now OUTTTTT!!" for the record its kinda funny to watch chickens try to run on tile....
all animals are so funny to watch trying to run on tile...!

My BR, Wilma, followed me in the back room (technically a dining room, but it has the laundry machines in a closet... I've used it as a bedroom, a laundry room and now a food storage room... never a dining room
) She found the bag of safflower seed... and instead of shooing her out, I opened it for her and made her promise not to tell the others...

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