Things you never said until you had chickens.......

chickenlover237, I'm so fluent in chicken speak, I confuse humans... they think there is an actual chicken in the house, but it's me perping and bokkin'. my gang understands me perfectly.

during today's range time my cockerel Royce was flirting with me, doing what I call the "skitter dance". it was the first time he's done this, and after receiving a vicious flogging from my friends cockerel yesterday, I was a bit skeptical... but noticing that his pupils were nice and big... I figured he was not about to attack... I can tell he wants to get some loving like the rest of the gang, but he's so typical... and side steps out of reach.

then, he started jerking his head in a particular motion that actually made his comb flip and make a snapping noise... so I joined in, snapping my fingers ~ he was so intrigued that I could do it too! we were the "two snappin' fools"! Simple things, bring joy... that moment will forever bring a smile to my face
Same here!!! Yesterday I was talking to my Snap and I was asking her in chicken if she needed to lay an egg and go in, and she was like 'book book booook' so I said (in chicken) that I"ll put her in, and sure enough she had to lay an egg. Us chicken owners know a language that can only be known to chicken owners. ;D
mom: "because they're just chickens, its not like they understand you"
Does your mother talk to the dog? She doesn't understand human either.

There was a funny Far Side cartoon years ago:

Talk to the animals all you like, in any language you want. Whatever they figure out a sound means to THEM is what it means

Does your mother talk to the dog? She doesn't understand human either.

There was a funny Far Side cartoon years ago:

Talk to the animals all you like, in any language you want. Whatever they figure out a sound means to THEM is what it means :D

I swear my dog understands every word I say.. Even when I spell things to avoid his attention.. He still knows. "I think you better g-o c-h-e-c-k the dryer." Koda knows "go check" means I've heard something and I want him to check it out. How he learned how to spell, I have no clue, but he goes crazy every time.

Same with the word here.

And my chickens definitely know their names ( a few of them do anyway!)
she doesn't talk to the dog I do :p and she listens too! somehow she knows how to add and subtract small numbers and she knows how to read :p she's really smart! she even answers yes or no questions
My boy points to something he wants. I say "Koda, what do you want. Point to it." and he stands up and shakes his two front paws at what he wants. It's so cute!
I do that sometimes too :p but she doesn't point to it she herds me over to where it is or if she wants food she goes and sticks her nose in her food bowl, i swear she's the smartest doggie alive :p
He knows better than to put his nose in food :p

At one point we had named all his toys, and he knew when I said go get Fredrique that I meant his lobster toy, and Edwardo was his skeleton toy :lol:

Can't say the same for my poddle. She is STOOOPID.. :rolleyes:
When my Mom teaches her online class and I do school by myself (I'm homeschooled) sometimes I "accidentally" leave the front door open, and I see little chicken heads peak in!!! Sometimes I just bring them in while holding them, or sometimes I sit in the doorway and they look in. :) I get cute pics. :)

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