Things you never said until you had chickens.......

Ooohhhh, I see now. :) Yes, for this winter we are giving our chickens the ultimate chicken mansion. (our sprinhouse) it's not really a springhouse, it looks it from the outside, but in the inside it stores my feed and all of our bikes. :) So, my Dad and I are gonna move out the bikes build a little loft four nesting boxes a ladder and make our springhouse into the ultimate chicken coop. :) And, they'll stay there. :D Well, at least until we have a better idea which I don't think we will.
mine's not happy on a r-i-d-e unless she can drive.

I'm not going to test the "hello" theory til later... i have company coming tonight to watch "Once Upon a Time" but I know she goes ballistic at the front door if anyone makes a knocking sound anywhere in the house...
My two dogs, start to bark at cars on the road or on TV. If they hear a knock wither it is the door or TV they will start to bark. It can get really bad when they are grading the road for they will start to bark most of the day as the grader goes back and forth for the day.At time they will start to bark at boat on the lake if they hear them and the lake is a littel bit away form us, but you can still hear boat on the weekend in the summer.
My two dogs, start to bark at cars on the road or on TV. If they hear a knock wither it is the door or TV they will start to bark. It can get really bad when they are grading the road for they will start to bark most of the day as the grader goes back and forth for the day.At time they will start to bark at boat on the lake if they hear them and the lake is a littel bit away form us, but you can still hear boat on the weekend in the summer.
Mine are the same with the doorbells on TV. Even though we've never had a door bell..? What's with that!
On feeding my raw-fed dog his store-bought chicken quarter after dark: "I'll wait until the girls are tucked in, so they won't have to witness the carnage."

Also, funny to be planning to visit the bait store this winter for fresh worms for the girls, which my honey says "Can keep in the fridge for weeks!"

Plus, I've got a long-distance friend dealing with depression who telephones hoping I'll bring the phone outside to the garden and pet my Golden Comet, just so she can hear her happy-chicken-getting-petted song!
Mom: So did you eat lunch
Me: Yup, me and my chickens did
Mom: Whaddya mean?
Me: Well, I mean that they had some.
Mom: WHY!!?
Me: Well, I can't help it!! They just jump up and 'voila!' they have my food.
Mom: *facepalm* Maybe next time you should eat your food inside where it won't get stolen.
Me: Eh, I like eating with the chickens though

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