Things you never said until you had chickens.......


Me: Shh. Buttermilk, if you wanna come inside you can't squawk like that.
I never, in my wildest dreams, imagined that this thread would go this far. It makes me happy to know I started something good everytime I read it.

My bf and I live together and I was raised in the country. He was raised in the ciy. But he has taken to having chickens. Today, after our BJG laid an egg, he picked her up and praised her saying "Good Girl! Good girl Bobette!"

I just thought its pretty cute to see that.
so i was surffing ebay and loged in and the mouse was hovringer over the bid button and Lilly decdied she wanted to eat the little green light on my mouse well some how she it the bid button but thank god I got it away from her before she commented to the order. So i had to tell my chicken not to go shopping on ebay

So I did not have to say it but can you imaging me trying to explain to a seller that my chicken put a bid on there item and not me and the chicken dose not have the money to pay for a 52.00 quiad battery. I dont think they would belive me

I am a seller on Ebay ...That email would have totally cracked me up ...most people say their kid did it !
So was Lily setting on your lap ? A good thing she didnt know how to confirm her purchase ..LOL
Mom: Cary why is there a half dozen eggs in your dirty close basket
Me: I think we just found the new egg nest for one of the girls

Must be why I keep my chickens in the barn.

I'm pretty sure the closest to "in the house" chickens will get here is the brooding of 2 day old chicks in the mudroom bathroom tub until they feather out.

"I don't understand house chickens" is now, "I want to keep her in the house. Do they make diapers for baby banties?"
I have someone's banty for a few days (we are in the middle of a 3-way chicken swap). There is one lone chick out in the garage brooder. I can use a heat lamp when the storm comes through, and makes it cold, but ... The power might go out! Yeah! That is my excuse!
So now I understand having a house chicken. And if she doesn't leave for some reason, I WILL find a diaper for her, and keep her in the house.
wow !!! if i could sew i would make my own but im not that skilled ... a friend is trying ot make some for me ... one of those things yay never think you will be asking a friend ...

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