Think i might have a Delaware Roo??


9 Years
Jan 6, 2011
Thinking my hen is starting to look like a rooster. Just need to ask what you guys think. I will get better pics later if these ones dont work. Theyre from my phone but i plan on taking more with my nikon. I was supposed to get 13 hens and 1 RIR roo. Now i think i have 13hens and 2 roos bc i have 15. Do you think maybe he was my extra chick??? AND can i keep 2 roosters or are they a bother??

THe white one is what im wondering about??



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If you could get a better pic of the back, between the shoulders, I might could hazard a guess. Males usually have much more "smut" down the back and between the wings like this one has. Looks like it could be a male, but may be early to tell for certain.
Heres the new pics i took!! I def think hes a male, just in denial about it!! lol



I dont know what "smut" is? Lol but. I think he's a roo too!! Can u have 2 Roos together?? Are they just loud? Is that why no one wants them? I just hope there nice that's all.
Smut is all those speckles down the back and between the shoulder area. Like I said, though, you can't just go by legs because Delaware pullets can have some thick legs, too. You should see the legs on my 14 week old pullet!

There is no question you have a cockerel, trust me. Raised enough Delawares to be 100% sure of that one!
My Isaac is the leader of the main flock with currently 18 hens. He's had as many as 25 and done quite well with them. He's my buddy, loves his chest rubs.
yeah he looks like a roo. The Dellie I had was a fantastic roo. Very good to his ladies. Wish I would have kept him and rehomed my BSL. I have 2 that were raised together and always got along til this spring. Now my BSL chases my BR all over. If he doesnt straighten his crap out we are only going to have a BR roo.

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