Thinking about getting Chukar


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 11, 2012
Hey, just wondering about chukar. Are they easy to tame? Can they free run in the yard if you do manage to tame them? How are they in the winter?
Are not easily tamed cannot free range they will take off. Ok in winter in prolonged sub zero weather give them a heat lamp in the coop
Are not easily tamed cannot free range they will take off. Ok in winter in prolonged sub zero weather give them a heat lamp in the coop

I don't suggest any heat for any birds.If you poly their entire pen that should be sufficient.If you provide heat for your birds they will not produce the down they need for cold weather.If you provide a heat source and you lose power,your birds will probably not survive.
I raise grey peacock pheasants which require heat in the winter and all I do is poly there entire pen so no drafts can get to them.I also raise diamond doves and cockatiels outside year round.The tiels and doves have already started laying eggs and it's been around 35 degrees at night,and 50 during the day.
In N.H.,Tony.
I've raised chukars for a few years and it wouldn't supprise me if you could tame them. I am the one that feeds our chukars most of the time and I tend to linger in the pen with them when I do. It doesn't take them long to realize the difference between me and my husband. They don't run/fly away when I come in the pen and walk around. I like to sit and listen to them coo. The same thing goes for quails. I worked with them (quails) more and I could get them to eat out of my hand. It really helped when it came time to sell them cuz they were easier to catch. lol If you can tame them (chukars), you won't be able to let them run free cuz they will take off. I had a few escape from their pen and they came back to visit the ones that were still in the pen but I couldn't get near them even tho they were used to me. As another poster said, a heat lamp may not be a good idea. Keeping drafts down to a minimum would be best. Chukars tend to do good in the winter where I live (central illinois). It gets below 0 tho not days and days in a row, except this year. I hope the chukars survived in the wild this year. My pen has windows facing the south so the sun tends to warm up the pen (somewhat) on really really cold days

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