Thinking about raising quail and have Q's

Raising quail for meat means you have a reason to buy or make an incubator. Need I say more? Baby Chicks as often as you like.

Jumbo Brown Coturnix are the dual purpose quail. So you can just start out with eight hens and 2 males in 2 cages. You have your eggs for eating and you can save up eggs for 5-10 days and hatch to raise some for meat birds. I save eggs for 5 days.

Then you just need to have a brooder (plastic tots) to raise them the first few weeks. Then a grow out cage to raise them until processing size of your choice. Here north of Houston I raise them inside for 10-14 days. When they get to stinky they go out to the grow out pen. Level of stinky, has to do with their age (amount they eat) and how many you hatched.

I process my Jumbo Browns at 6 and 7 weeks. But alot of people grow them out until they are 8-12 weeks for bigger birds. After 12 weeks they have pretty much sized out. They will have a lighter flavor younger, or a stronger flavor when grown longer. Your choice. When you raise your own your options open up and give you choices.

Have fun and don't forget to enjoy their antics.
jumbo browns have a few advantages over bobwhite....

they mature faster average 8 weeks (for mine) to laying.... Bobs take 16-20 weeks sometimes longer...

jumbos, a&m, goldens ect are much quieter than Bob Whites...Bobs are flighty Big time.....

Eggs are about the same size, not much difference at all.....would take a pic but my Bobs are molting...No eggs right now

my average dress out weight on my jumbos is 10-14 oz....some birds are larger.... u can get different sizes, ive been breeding for size...

yes eggs are smaller than serama eggs...

Coturnix do not require you to have a Texas State Gamebird Breeders License...

Bobwhites, you will need to be inspected by the state and get the License....

dallas area........
All Colors Come In Jumbo Sizes, A Coturnix Is A Coturnix No Matter The Size Or Color--- They All Act The Same, They All Lay The Same Under Identical Conditions And While The Jumbo's Eggs Will Be A Tad Larger In The Beginning Even The Lil Fella Can Lay Large Eggs With Maturity. As A Hen Ages Her Eggs Get Larger.

As For Your Bob Vs Coturnix Ideas

Coturnix Are The Roaches Of The Quail World.... Hatch 16-19 Days, Matures Sexually 6-8 Wks, Reaches Maximum Size 8-12 Wks And Can Produce 300 Eggs Per Yr Per Hen

Bob Whites Are The Junkyard Dogs Of The Quail World--- Mean As A 2 Headed Aligator At Many Times, Very Very Rough And Abusive To Each Other Which Makes Them More Difficult To Raise, The Average Bob Hen Wont Lay Til The Spring After She Is Hatched, They Are Seasonal Layers Producing Up To 40 Eggs In The 1st Laying And Usually A Little Less In The Second- They Will Lay Late Spring And Again Early Fall In Most Cases. They Do Not Sexually Mature Until 24+ Wks Of Age And Reach Max Size In Some Cases At Around 32 Wks Of Age In OtherS 1 Yr

In A Nut Shell, If You Want Maximum Return For Minimum Investment Stick With Coturnix
If You Want High Production Birds Stick With Coturnix
If You Want Hardy, Easily Reared And Handled Stock Stick With Coturnix
If You Want The Best TAtsting Meat Bar None And Are Willing To Put Alot Of Time Money And Aggrevation Into It For A Smaller Return Stick With Bobs
(threw Ya On That 1 Didnt I? Lol)
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Ok, now to look for a quality breeder here in the Austin, TX area
I think I will start with laying age Jumbo Browns. Thanks everyone! If I can think of more Q's I will definitely ask.

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