Thinking of hatching quail, any info?

Apr 6, 2019
I raise both chickens and ducks, and now I am thinking about starting a flock of quail. I would wait until at least may to hatch them, but I like to research ahead of time. So any information about raising quail, pro or con, would be great, thanks!
I would start with the sticky topics at the top of the quail forums. If you hang out in the quail hatch along thread, you'll be an addict in no time.

I just started with quail in July, but I did a lot of research first. I chose coturnix quail for a few reasons. They're big enough to eat, they have tasty eggs, they don't require a permit (in most states, at least), they're pretty quiet, they're hardy and don't require heat during the winter in my area (just a dry, sheltered space), and they're not as messy as chickens.
Think about what species of quail you want, they can all serve a different purpose.

Japanese (coturnix) are one of the most popular to raise. They are quite easy to handle (they're the least flighty in my experience), you can eat their eggs, they don't require as much space as chickens...

King (button) quails are just adorable! They are mostly for eye candy. They generally aren't good for handling (unless you hand raise them, which I have with one of mine) They are also some of the prettiest with all the different mutations and take up the least space.

Californias and bobwhites are also cool to keep. They do require more space than kings and japs but are really pretty and can be used for eggs as well. Again, they don't really like handling unless they're hand raised.

So excited for you, I think you'll love them!

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