Thinking of investing in meat birds


8 Years
Jul 8, 2011
Eastern Iowa
Tell me everything you know about meat birds. I have 7 hens and 5 should start laying around the middle or end of next month, but Im pretty intrested in the meat birds. I have 3 kids and a MIL to feed. I have one hen that is somewhat broody.
Hey Lindz. Welcome to BYC!

Try checking out the sticky at the top of this forum. Most of your questions might be answered there.
After you read that, if you are confused on any topics or if you have any other questions... the people on this forum are great and helpful!!
FWIW, when you say "investing" it makes me think you're looking at this from a financial perspective. Odds are slim that you'll come even close to the price of commercially raised mass market chicken when its on sale, even with food inflation being what it is. You probably can break even with the cost of high end poultry that is raised in a somewhat more natural manner. But only if you don't count your time.
If you have free range space, it can be very economical. I have no room, but several people here raise meaties on pasture. I think OhioFarmGirl yells "GO OUT AND FREERANGE CUZ IT'S FREE!!!" at her birds every morning before she lets them out
We raise meat birds and sell about 1/3rd of them, which results in free chicken to us. If you do it right your only investment in your birds in the freezer will be time.
I think it's important to take a hard look at what your contraints may be and what limitations that may be encountered after researching raising them, time, space, expense, processing ability, things like this. To make the experience rewarding takes preperations, all to often when folks go in unprepared they end up never giving it a second go at it. They can be alot of work for some and some find it a tad messy when compared to raising their cutesy fluffy hens. Will their be other folks in the family who may strongly object to you butchering them after they have named them and such, this can get a little sticky if not thought through. There are so many variables to doing it right but rest assured there are folks here who are willing to help you do it right.
I will tell you that they are a lot more work than layers, that's for sure! And from my experience (which is very limited as this is our first time), I've just came to the fact that we are not doing this because it's cheaper (it's not) but because we want healthy organic chicken.
Not factoring processing, my net per hour was $0.68 on our first batch of 25. I figured I'd pay myself for processing what the local processor charges....$2.80/bird. I think economies of scale really comes into doesn't take much more time to raise100 birds than 25. It also really depends how much value you affix to your time. I made a pasture pen with the help of my two-year-old son. We recycled treated lumber from an old deck, so we saved money there. However, many hours (some not very efficient) were put into construction. So, I likely won't "make" much per hour for my labor on this batch of birds, but I had fun making some memories with my son and I enjoy seeing the birds on fresh pasture each day.
Ultimately, your definition of "investment" is the true determinant. Just my two cents...
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