This Drives Me Crazy...

Ya Gold Sex link....Red sex link...Golden Comet..every place you can get them seems to have their own name for them...I believe they are a cross with a White Rock Layer and a RI Red roo...I think that's what the Meyer Hatchery catalog said. They sent the one I have in a mix of brown egg layers. All I know is she is a sweetheart of a hen...I take her out by the lake when I'm on the deck and let her dig in the leaves by the trees...she will dig and scratch for a while then come up on the deck as if to check in...then go back to work on the leaves..
Definitely a Red Sex Link. Red Sex Links are produced by crossing any red gene rooster (RIR, NH, or PR) with any silver gene hen (RIW, SLW, Delaware, LS, or silver factor WR). Depending on which hatchery it came from, it could be any of these crosses. All Red Sex Links are egg laying machines though, outlaying either parent breed. It's one of the interesting quirks of hybridization. :eek:)
Thanks so much guys! I saw a documentary and they were there. My cousins have one and she's kind, too.

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