This Infernal Heat! All My Hens Going Broody??


6 Years
Apr 19, 2016
American Southwest
I live in a high desert and this summer has been brutal. It's been in the 100's during the day for a few months now, and it seems like all my hens are going at least a little bit broody. I have a serial broody that won't break, which isn't terribly unusual for her, but even my RIR and sex links are going broody. I've had to put all of them in the broody buster at least once this summer, even 3-4 year old hens that have never been broody before. Even now, they all have bare chests and take their sweet time laying eggs.

Is this normal? Has anyone else had issues with extreme heat causing all their hens to go broody, even breeds that don't usually go broody?
We haven't been that hot here. I have had many broodies this year too, a non-stop parade of them.
Wish I had more broodies. Only 2 chickens so far this spring. Have a turkey currently on eggs, and the other I think is hiding eggs somewhere. The silkie hen I bought for that very reason has not went broody yet.
Einstein has been broody twice so far, and it seems like it's at a 4 week interval. Both time she had spent three days in the broody breaker. It too, has been so hot.

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