This makes me absolutely ill...


Polish Silkies d'Uccles O my!
9 Years
Mar 29, 2010
This happened about 10 minutes down the road from me, in my hometown. I cried watching this on the news tonight, as our neighbor has a white GSD and he is just like our own. Just makes me wonder, what kind of person could do this to an innocent dog?,0,2556062.story

Please do not watch the video with young children in the room. There is nothing bad to see, (the blurred it) but they talk about what happened.
Thats just not right! Maybe they should do the same to the owner!
Stories like that break my heart and will bother me for days, if not weeks.

I pray that the dog was dead before being thrown into the river. Drowing is a horrible death.

Leave me alone in a room with the person responsible for five minutes; five minutes is all it's going to take.
C- I seriously couldnt listen to the whole think I feel ill I really do just thinking of that poor dog-bring it to a shelter for crying outloud!! Shoot-even letting it run away would be better! poor poor baby!!!!
Wait so is it the same dog to you think?

uhhh that makes me to mad, I do agree Maybe the own deserves the same treatment! like nancy said.
Wait so is it the same dog to you think?

uhhh that makes me to mad, I do agree Maybe the own deserves the same treatment! like nancy said.

NO, it is not our neighbors dog. Our neighbors dog is perfectly happy and safe and sound in his own house. This happened about 10 miles away from our house.
Well if you run into the owner (which literally might not be a bad thing...not that I am suggesting anything...
) but pass this along from me....

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