This morning's spazzy dance.

Haha! That was great
I never thought I'd see a spazzy dance captured!

Now, it's Sunday morning here, and I'm on the case (and I've just had Real Internet installed, and can watch video now). Read the following passage about avian courtship:

“Dancing: Physical movements, from daring dives to intricate sequences including wing flaps, head dips, or different steps can be part of a courtship ritual. In many species, the male alone will dance for his female while she observes his actions, while in other species both partners will interact with one another. Dance mistakes show inexperience or hesitancy and would likely not lead to a successful mating.”

Note the bit about head dips, and the bit about needing to practice (so as not to show inexperience or hesitation). NOW watch this:

Supreme Emu

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