This time the bear got inside the coop.

Free standing hot wire fencing is useless against bears. It's tricky to make hot wire work with bears with their thick fur and hides. The only vulnerable place on a bear is nose and mouth. You need to entice them to wrap their tongue around the wire or touch their nose to it. I use peanut butter, but even though it's a favorite food of bears, the sight of so many chickens might overshadow the peanut butter. It doesn seem to work most of the time.

Killing the bear is an option permitted to me in my state, and the wildlife officer gave me permission. But killing a bear is harder than people think, and a wounded bear is three times more dangerous. If a bear turned and charged, something I have actually experienced and it's as terrifying as it sounds, if he got to me, it would be like being run over by a tank with teeth and claws.
Killing the bear is an option permitted to me in my state, and the wildlife officer gave me permission. But killing a bear is harder than people think, and a wounded bear is three times more dangerous. If a bear turned and charged, something I have actually experienced and it's as terrifying as it sounds, if he got to me, it would be like being run over by a tank with teeth and claws.
Glad the birds are ok. But it would be a cold day in hell that you'd find me walking off a bear with rubber bullets, or put myself in a situation to be charged protecting chickens. I've killed a few bears(hunting), and would have gladly eliminated that one.
There are live traps for bears, too, and there's probably one for this bear if that's what the wildlife officer decides.

Would that mean they relocate the bear?
Or would the live trap just be a good way to contain the bear, so they can safely shoot it?

(I'm just curious, as I can see either one being a reasonable option, depending on what else the wildlife officer already knows about this bear.)
They trap the bear and see if he has an ear tag which would mean he's a repeat offender. If he has no ear tag, they may decide to try to relocate him, but that's not guaranteed. If they can't find a suitable location, if there are already relocated bears in that area or if there are no wild areas without human habitation, the bear gets executed.

Years ago, the female bear that charged me got executed because she was guilty of a direct contact with a human. That one still haunts me as her only crime was having her good judgement fail by the sight of so many juicy chickens. That time, I was closer to the bear than most friends get with each other., about an inch. I had desperately slammed myself in a rooster shelter at the last minute before she reached me.
We have black bear sighted occasionally here too, more so counties east of us. I do know if this happened I'd be shaking in my chicken boots! So glad you and your birds are ok. I think I'd be carrying a weapon out with me to do my chicken chores for a while. No room for error with an animal that large. I hope this issue is resolved soon. Be careful!
They trap the bear and see if he has an ear tag which would mean he's a repeat offender. If he has no ear tag, they may decide to try to relocate him, but that's not guaranteed. If they can't find a suitable location, if there are already relocated bears in that area or if there are no wild areas without human habitation, the bear gets executed.

Years ago, the female bear that charged me got executed because she was guilty of a direct contact with a human. That one still haunts me as her only crime was having her good judgement fail by the sight of so many juicy chickens. That time, I was closer to the bear than most friends get with each other., about an inch. I had desperately slammed myself in a rooster shelter at the last minute before she reached me.
I would have needed a change of pants.

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