Thoughts on medicated feed with meat birds...


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 16, 2011
I got some freedom rangers in the other day and they eating on the leftover bag of grower i had. I will have to get some feed ASAP and am curious on the consensus here.... medicated or not for meat birds?

All the chicks look healthy and I am currently putting raw cider vinegar in thier water.

Also, how long should they be on medicated feed, 2 weeks?
Some say it isn't necessary to use medicated feed, but I usually buy a 5 lb bag and feed it the first week or so and then go on to unmedicated. i am always afraid that with shipping , etc that they will need a bit of assistance the first few days. i have also started to use the broiler booster and have had no sickness and very little deaths with the last 3 batches of chicks ( approx 150 )

Good Luck with your meaties!

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