Thousands of Grubs in Compost ( picture and video )


BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
Boy did my girls get a treat!

About a week ago I took a barrel of old wheat and put it in the compost and wet it down really well. My wife came in today and said the compost was "teaming with grubs". I didn't believe her so I went out to look... she was right.

Here's a pic of what they look like:

Here is a video of the pile of them squirming like crazy:

I believe they turn into a black beetle? Anybody have more info about these grubs?

OH and you must see this video:

and my fav:
OMG that video was the most revolting thing ever! Thank goodness you had chickens around to help get rid of such an awful mess.

I'm very much looking forward to the day that my girls are old enough to help with the upkeep around the place!
I found some of those a few days ago while cleaning up in my coop as well, scared the heck outta me, and grossed me out not to mention! I didn't know if they were safe for them to eat or not, so I didn't bother. But my young'uns LOVE "rolly polies"
About 2 weeks ago I went out to toss up my pile and I noticed the pine shavings on top were moving. I was like "what the heck!" I took the pitch fork to it and worms were EVERYWHERE. I guess I'm doing something right, my compost pile looks just like yours.
Thanks to Wolfpacker for the idea that these are the larva of the soldier fly.

I did a Google image search and he was spot on:

"Some folks raise these in the bins and use them as fishing bait. Others remove them by hand and feed them to the birds. We have heard of one worm farmer who placed her chicken in the bin to dine upon the tasty morsels and found this to be a very effective method of soldier fly larvae control."
My compost has an open top and my chickens check up there daily for any worms, bugs, and such. You should see the madness after I turn/aeriate it!--How many chickens fit in YOUR compost bin!!!HAHAHAHA

Since I've been giving them a shovel full of this each day, I noticed that this morning when I turned them out of their coop, they didn't go to their food like they usually do. Instead, they went over to the place in their run where I usually put the shovel full.
Too funny! Same thing here.

I gave my girls a shovel full of compost 4 days ago and now when I open up the coop in the morning they zip right past me and make a b-line to the compost bin.

The biggest problem is when I'm turning the compost with my pitchfork... I have to go slow or instant chicken kabob!


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