Threaded rod auto coop door design.


11 Years
Oct 25, 2008
Eugene, OR
I thought I'd start a new thread about my latest auto door design. The electronics concept is still the same, but I redesigned the door to work on a threaded rod. As usual, I employ recycled and salvaged materials in all my designs. A lot of times, it actually affects the design. But I was happy to find the right kind of hardware to make this work well.
I've been using the door for over a week and it is working very well so far. I'll post more complete photos of the installed door soon, as well as the new coop it is attached to.


The hardware to affix the 1/4 inch coupling bolt to the threaded rod.


Hardware installed on the plexiglass door.


12v motor is coupled to the threaded rod using a shaft coupler.


This is how the threaded rod rests on the other side.

The whole door system is installed on a ~3.5 ft piece of recycled 2x4. The plexiglass hangs down and I installed a track on the base of the door so a predator would be unable to push the door inward like a flap. Also, unseen in these photos is an intermediary brace that holds the threaded rod between the motor and the other end so it does not bow down too much with the weight of the door.

As I said, more photos to come.

More pics of the auto door and new coop.


The opened plexiglass door from the outside.


View of the new coop closest to the house. This is where they enter. There is a horizontal flap window above the door, mostly for us to look in, but also for access if necessary. There are two 12v computer cooling fans installed near the roof to help ventilation.


The new coop. Built entirely out of recycled materials. The walls are old garage door panels. The roof is a cool plexiglass dome my neighbor Mark gave me last year. At the base are cinder blocks to keep the wood off the moisture during the rain. Near one of the windows, you can see the egg laying tote.


Another side of the coop with another window. I was excited to put these in so I can see them roosting at night.


There is a door installed at the front of the coop for human entry and cleaning. I just slide out the cinder block and rake out the shavings.


A view of the auto door from the inside.


The auto door electronics. Two switches that tell the door when to stop opening or stop closing. In between the switches, is the center mount of the threaded rod.


The motor and to the right, a PVC housing for the relay, witch is part of the electronics configuration.


A view of the fans from the inside, and one of the perches.

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