TICKS! And brand spankin new to chickens

How many do you keep in there? Great description of your setup! But all of that stuff sounds like a lot to get pooped on and lots of cleaning work! Assuming mine are only in at night, what should I include? Obviously a tarp for wind/rain block, a food and water source and something to roost on. What else?

Twenty-one. They're 10 weeks old now. I'll be putting the rafters on their 8x16' coop tomorrow so hopefully they won't be there too much longer because the run should go up quickly.

That should be sufficient for yours since they will be free range. Mine are confined to the kennel so they need extra stuff to do, multiple levels, etc..
Since you are talking meat birds you really don't need any of that stuff, the tarp or whatever you put on top will provide shade and shelter, I'd wind block at least 3 walls too with either tarp or wood just in case of severe blowing rain and cool temps that can kill your birds if they get wet and cold. You can provide roosts for them if you want, some meat birds will use them but I will caution you to only have them slightly elevated as the heavy birds are prone to broken legs from diving off a high roost bar, their wings can't really slow them down.

Make sure the area you set your kennel up allows for water runoff, don't set it in a spot that pools water or you will have some wet chilled probably dead birds during a storm. Provide a bed of wood chips or straw when your done shovel or into a compost pile

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