Time to change the laws in North Central Columbus area


In the Brooder
12 Years
Sep 4, 2007
I was at a workshop my local library put on-all about backyard chickens. Before teh speaker began his presentation, a library staff member read an email sent by the city government, stating in no uncertain terms that chickens are illegal within city limits!
There were about 30 people at the meeting, most of whom are bound by these laws.
The good news is knowing that there are otehrs out there who want the rules changed. A notepad was sent around and talk of a petition was made. I have not heard from teh person who took charge of the pad-but I do soon, I told everyone that would listen I was ready to do some real work on this.

Check this out, and join up if you are local and want to lend your support: https://www.facebook.com/pages/West...ety/163820710340409?v=info#info_edit_sections
Here's what I hope to accomplish:
We want to bring pressure on the Westerville City Council, to get new city regulations put in place that:
* Give official recognition that keeping small groups of chickens (1-6) is not an agricultural pursuit but is essentially pet keeping.
* Does not seek to change existing agricultural restrictions, but emphasize that chicken keeping on such a small scale is not agriculture.
*Makes clear chickens can be great neighbors! Like any domestic animal/pet it is the care given by humans that determines if animals are a nuisance to those around them.
*Makes keeping pet chickens legal in all areas where the keeping of other pets is legal.
*Flock owners would still be bound by alll current noise/smell/nuisance regulations now in force. To be clear, verified noise or smell would be citable, the mere presence of birds is not grounds for citation.
* Chicken owners would be treated on par with other pet owners-no inspections, minimal paper work.
I wish you the best of luck with your endeavor. Though I do have a question... is the group set up to hide the names of those who "like" the page so any Tom Harry Dick can see who is a fan, or is it my security settings? I'm locked down like Ft. Knox so I can't tell. XD I would venture that there might be some people who are all for your goal who might not want to be associated by their IRL name. Which, I don't blame them, I'd be concerned too after reading some of the horror stories that have been posted on here.

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