Time to cull this hen?


6 Years
Sep 25, 2013
This is one of the worst chickens ever. It just goes to show you that Leghorns are Satan's chickens.

I've had these from the start, now 2 remain. I've expanded my flock greatly in 2.5 years, and I don't want to kill these older girls or something because they're been with me.

But, Glenda and Linda are acting up, constatntly. They've always been mean to other chickens and have always been dominant, but they're going too far. They eat eggs and are now eating FEATHERS from OTHER chickens. I watched my chickens as I took care of a broody goose in my barn and the chickens, like always followed me.

I finish up and head back to the house when I see Glenda walk up to New (An EE) And just pluck feathers off her beard and EAT THEM. Horrible chicken, I think now that explains the bald patch on the Austrolorp's face.

Is it time for them to go?
Sounds like a mean old hen to me. When some of mine get old, they get crabby. I am not quite sure why we have such a problem with subtraction. IMO, the greater good of the flock, and she would be culled. If you are unsure, pull her out for a few days, see if the flock is more peaceful, if so, she should be done. Then you can get new chicks.
My flock is constant, but the birds in it, come and go.

As for meat, I occasionally give mine deer scraps. When they harvest a dear, I cut up the scraps into chunks about the size of a fist, drop in a sandwich bag, and then put all the bags together in a big freezer bag. Once or twice a month I pull one out and add with the feed.

I know you have acres, and daytime space is not an issue, but you might consider the size of your coop. Often times, people post on here (this may not be your situation at all) about free ranging meaning they can have more chickens, but really the coop size is important, they spend hours in there every night, regardless of the acres they have in the day time.

(They also still have food in their dishes and all of that, but they seem to have acquired other tastes.
I am going to stick up for leghorns. You may have gotten a couple of bad eggs. The leghorns we have had always seem to be the alpha hens however they have been nothing but sweet and friendly. I have seen multiple times where my current leghorn, Daisy, has separated my RIR mixes when Patsy has just been pecking and chasing Lilly too much. In addition Daisy will jump in my lap to be petted and is always excited to see me. She is the 4th leghorn we have had. I have found them all to be smart and friendly.

I believe that each chicken is an individual but overall I love leghorns and intend to get more.

Here is my all time favorite chicken, Elphie. We lost her in November and I miss her terribly. Daisy is jut a baby in the background.

What do you feed them? It might be worth trying a feed with higher protein.
Agree with this, that behavior sounds like they are craving protein. If you are feeding layer it often isn't enough protein for year round feeding.

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