Time to cull this hen?

I heard that giving them raw len ground beef fixes that craving and is not bad for them.

But I heard giving meat to mostly herbivores was bad. I know they eat lizards and mice and all the whathaveyous that can't run away in time, but I am not sure.

What have y'all heard about that?
Chickens are omnivores, not herbivores, so meat is just fine. Mine get leftovers and scraps all the time. In fact, I just threw turkey legs into two of my coops---you should have seen the little monsters tear those apart
. Sure made the dog mad, let me tell you!
I know they aren't pure herbivores. (Trust me, I've seen firsthand meat loving chickens) But is raw meat like that okay?
I agree with BJ. This time of the year, shell quality can sometimes decrease. Add this to the boredom of being "cooped up" (if you're in a cold climate and the flock is not as apt to be outside for fresh air/free range), and the need for increased protein, you have the perfect recipe for feather picking and egg eating. That being said, sometimes feather picking can turn into an ugly habit that is difficult to break. If this continues, you may be left with no other option than to cull. Do you normally free range? With warmer weather coming, if they do free range, that may get them out and about more often so that feather picking is not such an attractant. The one hen I had who was a feather picker did so on the roost, so I ended up culling her.
They literally sleep where they want and are only penned if quarantined, sick or injured or broody.

They have acres to explore. They have plenty of room.

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