time to guess Henrys breed again*New Pics*

He is getting brown feathers on his wings..shoulders?, and some white tail feathers. White or cream colored.
My husband insists that is consistent with Canada goose- but his bill is pale now, as are his legs and feet.

I will go out and get a couple more pictures of him.
All of the photos of adolescent Canada Geese have dark bills and feet. Like this:


Since you found this gosling on the lam, maybe its a hybrid. Canada/Toulouse or something...
It might be why all the goose experts are having a problem pinning it down.

**obviously not my photo. Used for education only**
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Henry looks just like the toulouse geese that are currently splashing it up out on my deck! (I always want to type "touleese geese" ha ha ha) I've got a Henri out there even! So cute!
We figured it out! Henry is definitely Toulouse. I have made a positive id based on Google Images.

YAYAYAYAYAYAYYYYYYYYYYY! That means he wont grow up and fly away...no worrying about him joining a flock of Canada geese and getting shot..

It means we are each others forever
My first pet goose was a Toulouse gander named Delilah. He was sexed as female by the hatchery (including the pink splotch on his head) so neither of us knew she was a he until some time after I lost her/him to the neighbor dogs
She never laid an egg and shrieked like a gander and "protected" me like a gander, but what did I know, I was new to geese.

We used to watch TV together, and even sleep together. She preferred to sleep on my chest (all 16 pounds of her) so she could nibble my face all night. Losing her was definitely one of the worst days of my life and though I've lost many a beloved critter in my 45 years, losing her was the hardest. There is something about a human imprinted goose, that's all I can say. Something special and bewitching about them. Even when they are no longer "cute and fuzzy" but huge and lumbering and pooping a quart at a time on your floor.
My first pet goose was a Toulouse gander named Delilah. He was sexed as female by the hatchery (including the pink splotch on his head) so neither of us knew she was a he until some time after I lost her/him to the neighbor dogs
She never laid an egg and shrieked like a gander and "protected" me like a gander, but what did I know, I was new to geese.

We used to watch TV together, and even sleep together. She preferred to sleep on my chest (all 16 pounds of her) so she could nibble my face all night. Losing her was definitely one of the worst days of my life and though I've lost many a beloved critter in my 45 years, losing her was the hardest. There is something about a human imprinted goose, that's all I can say. Something special and bewitching about them. Even when they are no longer "cute and fuzzy" but huge and lumbering and pooping a quart at a time on your floor.


They are very special. Thank you for sharing your memories with me.

Here is Henry from today.




Henry looks very much like my Chinese gosling that is about the same age - except for the beak. Colour in that beak...and I would think that they were twins. Strange that he had such a dark beak to begin with- but now its orange.
My toulouse geese have lost their dark beaks and now have pink and orange beaks too! I love the pictures of Henry!

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