Tiny the Terrorist Attack Hen! Will She Become a Suicide Flogger?

If only someone had could have produced cockerels what don't crow, or fight so much, then people could keep the extra males as pretty lawn ornaments in bachelor groups, but alas even neutered and alot don't survive that, the cockerels will still crow.
Two of my cockerels just earned their first notches on their belts today. Indy and Ira thwarted a gray fox attack. I won't rewrite it here, but it's on their thread in Breeds. So, they may have just ingratiated themselves to us a little more today.
Now I am taking a rooster and three girls Cyn....like I need more boys around here. But Xamder is too precious to say no to. I must continue the designer pets "coch'anvers"
Xander is the least of my troubles around here. He's the sweetest little munchkin. I just worry that he isn't happy with those big old heffalump Orp wenches. Dusty is especially mean to him. She'd spit on him if she could, mean old witch.
Tiny's son, 28 week old Deacon, is turning out to be a hoot. We didn't know what he'd be like, but this guy is a big baby. He is lower on the totem pole than older brother, Rex, so he has to do "hit and run" breeding, often getting on backwards, only to be blasted off by his dad or Rex. He is very streamlined in body type like his mother so he frequently sails over the fence rather than be pummeled. Today, we were in the coop when in the pop door streaks Deacon, followed by older EE, June, followed by younger brother, Scout, who is in hot pursuit of June. Deacon thought June was after him, so he jumped up the roost and shot into my arms, tucking his head under my arm inside my jacket and hid himself Naturally, if he can't see her, she must not be able to find him, right? Poor June only wanted someone to save her from Scout, who is 18 weeks old and hormonally disturbed as all get-out.

About 4 pm, I realized it was getting very overcast and hence, the dusk seemed upon us earlier than expected, so I went outside with the intention of putting the main flock up for the night before normal roost time. After putting on my chicken shoes outside the door, I was walking toward the steps when I heard rustling in the leaves under the deck. I didn't even look before saying, "Deacon, is that you?" And sure enough, Deacon met me at the bottom of the steps, let himself be picked up without issue, crowed twice in my arms on the way down to the coop. When I put him inside the door, I saw that every single bird was already inside on the roost, except for Rex, who was just inside the pop door looking out and Isaac, who was wandering around on the floor. I started to wonder, upon remembering that I had not heard any commotion outside prior to this that would make Deacon fly over the fence to get away from any pursuer, if they had gone in earlier and Deacon had come to find me. He never goes inside until every other bird is already in. Then, when we tell him to go in, he hops up the ramp and goes to his special roost where he can be away from his dad and brothers.

Here are some of the last pics I took of Deacon, who I think is very handsome. His sister, Raven, is much larger, taking more after her sire than her mother, Tiny.

Poor Tiny is molting again and every young stud around wants her so sometimes, I put her in a separate cage with a reptile bulb and food and water so at least she can eat in peace. She tends to hide all day.

Here is her daughter, Raven.

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Thank you! The problem is that he is a flier. He is now flying out because he wants to come find us, not because Rex is chasing him. He did it twice this morning. Once, Tom caught him in his hand, even, lol. So, that gray fox that has been around may end up eating Deacon Jones if we're not around when he sails over the fence. That is worrisome. I've never had a LF rooster who could fly like this. But, he has some Sumatra lineage in that Ameraucana lineage so his flight ability is understandable. Even then, he will have only one spur. There isn't even a spur nub on his left leg, just a raised spot on the leg, so he won't have any real defense except his ability to fly out of harm's way.
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