Tiny the Terrorist Attack Hen! Will She Become a Suicide Flogger?

Update: Tiny is still a Terrorist Flogger. A couple of days ago, I heard an incident unfold on the baby monitor receiver in our bedroom. The transmitter is in the main coop. I hear scuffling, then I hear my DH say, "Get her, Panda! Good girl, Panda!", then he tells me this story over the monitor, knowing I'm probably listening.

DH was doing some chores in the coop, therefore not paying enough attention to Tiny. She flared up, went airborne and flogged his leg. Panda, my 4 yr old barred EE, sole progeny of my late rooster, Zane, with one of my now also-deceased blue Ameraucana hens, Charlotte, came out of nowhere and hit Tiny full force, then proceeded to give her a major thrashing. She chased Tiny into one of the floor nests then stood guard at the entrance for some time. When her attention was averted, Tiny slipped past her, but Panda proceeded to follow her everywhere she went in the coop, keeping her away from DH. Go, Panda-bear!

Here is Panda with one of Suede's sons she raised the only time she's ever been broody in her 4 1/2 years of life:

Note to my pal, Ladyhawk: Looking at this gorgeous blue Orp cockerel with the dark brown eyes, son of Suede, I almost wish I'd kept him myself. He is proof positive that the lighter eyes of Dear old Daddy Suede didn't always pass on. Isn't he to die for????
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I find it hilarious when My 3 pound Banty Roo will run to the front of the house to attack the 'strangers' walking down our sidewalk. And they are afraid of him. And when they ask I say "yeah thats my attack chicken". His neck feathers flare out and acts like he might fataly flog someone to death. I swoop him up in my arms and stroke his back till he purrs. Then say "you want to hold him"..
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speckled hen, so great to hear more of your chicken adventures. Tiny is quite the character. How is she behaving since Panda thrashed her?
Update: Tiny is still a Terrorist Flogger. A couple of days ago, I heard an incident unfold on the baby monitor receiver in our bedroom. The transmitter is in the main coop. I hear scuffling, then I hear my DH say, "Get her, Panda! Good girl, Panda!", then he tells me this story over the monitor, knowing I'm probably listening.

DH was doing some chores in the coop, therefore not paying enough attention to Tiny. She flared up, went airborne and flogged his leg. Panda, my 4 yr old barred EE, sole progeny of my late rooster, Zane, with one of my now also-deceased blue Ameraucana hens, Charlotte, came out of nowhere and hit Tiny full force, then proceeded to give her a major thrashing. She chased Tiny into one of the floor nests then stood guard at the entrance for some time. When her attention was averted, Tiny slipped past her, but Panda proceeded to follow her everywhere she went in the coop, keeping her away from DH. Go, Panda-bear!

Here is Panda with one of Suede's sons she raised the only time she's ever been broody in her 4 1/2 years of life:

Note to my pal, Ladyhawk: Looking at this gorgeous blue Orp cockerel with the dark brown eyes, son of Suede, I almost wish I'd kept him myself. He is proof positive that the lighter eyes of Dear old Daddy Suede didn't always pass on. Isn't he to die for???? :love
Gotta love a girl like that!

speckled hen, so great to hear more of your chicken adventures. Tiny is quite the character. How is she behaving since Panda thrashed her?

Oh, she's the same. She never learns her lesson.

ETA: Today, while the main flock was free ranging, I see Tiny running back and forth behind the Orp pen, or so I thought. Turns out, she was inside the pen, probably having flown up trying to escape Isaac's attentions and accidentally landed herself in enemy territory. The four Orp hens weren't bothering her, but all her screaming and running back and forth was beginning to bug them, and they were making unsettled noises and looking at me like, "Mom, will you puleeeze get out of here before we have to kill her??" When I stepped into the pen, I don't think I've ever seen such a look of relief on a chicken's face, LOL. She ran right into my arms. I think I even heard a sigh of relief as I carried her out of there.
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Oh, she's the same. She never learns her lesson.

ETA: Today, while the main flock was free ranging, I see Tiny running back and forth behind the Orp pen, or so I thought. Turns out, she was inside the pen, probably having flown up trying to escape Isaac's attentions and accidentally landed herself in enemy territory. The four Orp hens weren't bothering her, but all her screaming and running back and forth was beginning to bug them, and they were making unsettled noises and looking at me like, "Mom, will you puleeeze get out of here before we have to kill her??" When I stepped into the pen, I don't think I've ever seen such a look of relief on a chicken's face, LOL. She ran right into my arms. I think I even heard a sigh of relief as I carried her out of there. :lol:


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